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Hunten Camera


Have a trail camera made by Hunten and all the memory cards keep reading as full and the camera will not take pictures even though both red and green lights work as well as the main board display. Any ideas to try??
Try formatting the cards with the trail cam or if you can't do that try to format on the computer but I would try with the trail cam first.
From the FAQ portion of the Hunten web site:
2. My trail camera will not take images. It reads "Full". First, make sure the SD card is not locked. There is a sliding lock on the side of most SD cards. Slide it to the unlocked position. If this does not fix the problem you will need to reformat your SD card. Simply insert the SD card into a computer and right click on the SD Card icon. A drop down menu will be displayed. From here select "Format". A new window will be displayed, click once on "OK". This will promt you to make sure you want to delete everything on the card and reformat it. Select "Yes". Your computer will then begin to reformat the SD card. Once finished, it should work with the trail camera flawlessly.
I run a bunch of hunten cameras and found they don't like to take anything under a 2 GB and have the best luck with the blue scan disk chips. I have run into your problem before. I think they can be temperamental because it did that once before it didn't like the chip but worked with a different chip and a different camera accepted the "bad" chip.
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