Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Hunting Locations?????



Hello everybody I just recently joined the web site and must say I'm very impressed with the way everyones shares their ideas. I'm in Virginia our deer are a little smaller then the ones posted on this site, but I have a question and need some help, The mast crop is not hardly exsistant this year we have no food planted b/c the weather was so messed up had to get the tobacco in. Where do you all think the best place to hunt would be the woods where a few acorns are droping or the fields where there is some grass growing? Thanks for the help
Hunthard, welcome to the site! I'm glad to see you are enjoying your stay.

At this time of the year I normally focus on staging zones that are somewhat close to bedding areas. I would suggest hanging an observation stand close to an area in your neck of the woods as I described. After a few observations you can probably narrow down a pattern and move in for the kill.

Let us know what you decide to do - good luck!
I think you are on the right track. Food is the key. The problem is that your environment is so much different than Iowa that it is difficult for most here to be able to help you out. I'd suggest you check with your state DNR to find a biologist that can give you prefered whitetail foods in your area besides acorns and commercial crops. If you can find what they are feeding on you can find the deer.

Good luck!
Old Buck
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