Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Interesting video clip


Got this buck on my video camera the other day.Don't know where this buck came from,as I never had it on my camera before this day.Looks like its doing pretty good considering.Appears to be a fighter by the looks of that left antler.It also looks as though its' left eye is dead.Probably a result of the fight that busted up that left antler.Must have came from quite aways,as there are no bowhunters in my general area....at least I think so.
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He should get by fine as long as he breaks it off below the skin or the arrow comes out. If not, springtime infection and flies will mess him up.
I agree something I wouldnt have put on the net

I could care less what the antis think.No matter what you do,your actions fuel them.Sort of goes along the lines of saying I "harvested" a deer instead of I killed a deer just so it sounds better.They hate you no matter what.
Got some updated still photos of the buck in the video clip.The arrow is gone,and the deer looks to be doing quite well.You can see the roughed up area where the arrow had been previously sticking out of the deer.The camera was knocked out of square by a raccoon or squirrel.

Lets just hope for the best for the little guy. And judging by the vid, his eye is fine. Good luck "harvesting" or "killing" him in a couple years.
Yes,your right about the eye;I was wrong.I have a few other shots of it showing that it is fine.
Got a recent trail camera picture of the arrow buck.It is at a mock scrape that I open every season.It appears to be doing fine.

It appears he will make it, he has plenty of time to heal over before the insects come back out. All is well I say, but hopefully that shot did NOT end up where the archer intended.

The real problem with the anti's is that is the perfect type of pic for them to use for the general public to sway the general publics opinion on hunting....they won't show the humane hits that kill the animal swiftly (2 cents).
Had a small pork chop walk by my stand back in Nov. in IL arrow was in same spot .
Didn't appear to be affected at all.
Just got another trail camera picture of the buck.Look at the picture and you can see that it has shed its left side antler.

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