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iphone vs. Android


Well guys, Im finally getting with the times and updating my not so smart phone/ Casio Brigade. What should i go with? Im leaning towards the Iphone 4s but not set in stone. Let me hear what ya all got to say!! Good and Bad!! Thanks! :way:
My iphone experience is very limited but from what I know if both systems, droid hands down. Plus in my opinion the phones that run the droid system are WAY better than the iPhones. I have a Motorola electrify m and it is fantastic. My wife has a Samsung galaxy sII and no problems with it. Who's your carrier?
The operating system on my IPhone has never crashed or froze up. I cannot say that about the blackberrys and motorolas I had before.
Everyone likes Apple products. I have owned everything from computers to the iphone to ipods to Ipads (long story as to why I have all this)- I think they are absolute junk, full of quirks & problems and can't believe they are as popular as they are!?!?!?!!!! Each has so many issues I could list it boggles the mind. Some is stupid but annoying, LIKE, my iphone getting crappy reception VS my previous ph in same areas, it freezing up, constantly needing re-boots, 3-4 charges a day when I'm roaming & MAYBE 2-3 hours in treestand before dead, merging contacts with no explanation, etc, etc. Apple is junk but I'm obviously in the minority with that sentiment. :)
I know several people with androids and they've all had to get different phones do to freeze ups and crashes. Know several with iPhone 4 and 4s that have never had any problems. I've had 2 in 4 years and never had a problem other than running one over with my skid loader lol.
my iphone experience is very limited but from what i know if both systems, droid hands down. Plus in my opinion the phones that run the droid system are way better than the iphones. I have a motorola electrify m and it is fantastic. My wife has a samsung galaxy sii and no problems with it. Who's your carrier?
Skip, correction... Apple products hate you... :grin:

Go with an iPhone, you'll never regret it!
No experience with Apple, so I can't comment about them. But I have had a Samsug Galaxy for awhile now and it has been very solid. Nothing has happened that would make me think of going a different route in the future.

Now then, just a couple of weeks ago we were on vacation with some friends in Las Vegas and all 4 of us had differing experiences with how well our phones worked while there. All of us had US Cellular service FWIW.

Mine was pretty much fine, my friend essentially never had service the whole time we were there. Go figure.
i was in a store that sold both, and the salesman was pretty adamant that the android system was the way to go
Galaxy 3 no prblems here. Bigger screen by far from any iPhone. Buddy was bragging up siri or whatever the s I the 4s stands for. Then want me to help him transfer all his pix and videos from his android to his iphone. I said ask siri to do it.......

My experience is apple crap doesn't work well with others aslo. Just like my I pad lost youtube on it for awhile :-(. Apple is just as big a monopoly if not bigger.

Mobil Cooter using IW
Ive had my Thunderbolt for almost 2 years and have yet to have any problems with it. In April when my upgrade is available I will be going to the Samsung Note II. Its huge and better than the Iphone by far. My wife has the Galaxy S2 and all I can say is it is incredible. My daughter got the Iphone 4S and is already looking to get rid of it.
My first smart phone(and believe me it has to be smart) is a Samsung note II. No problems and it is big. I only turn on the gps when I need it as I think it was sucking battery.
My pick is the iPhone 5 and its not even close. Before I switched I had 2 blackberries, and many androids including my last phone which was a Samsung S3. IMO big POS. big screen but froze up a lot but not as much as the Samsung S2 but enough to tick me off. Screen is too big IMO. Hard to carry. My Apple has never froze up, not once.

I would never go back to an Android based phone
I just got the Motorola electrify and i like it a lot.. my brother has the iPhone4 and swears by it lol
Go with an iPhone. I have one and have used them since they first came out. It works great!
If you have questions once you purchase it you can call apple care and they will walk you through what ever you're trying to resolve. That's been extremely helpful for me.
If your using a Mac in addition to an iPhone it makes it easier to sync pictures and data between them.
Be sure to purchase a protective case!
He probably got spiffed on android sales.

Not really. I have had the same experience more than once. If you ask someone that fully understands the capabilities of both systems and the phones. They will normally recommend the droids. In fact, my experience has been that they say the droid is far superior. I dont pretend to know why. But, I have been with droids for a few years and not had a single issue with the phones and have had several. Currently carry the Galaxy SIII and love it.
Go with an iPhone. I have one and have used them since they first came out. It works great!
If you have questions once you purchase it you can call apple care and they will walk you through what ever you're trying to resolve. That's been extremely helpful for me.
If your using a Mac in addition to an iPhone it makes it easier to sync pictures and data between them.
Be sure to purchase a protective case!

It always used to be that Apple would charge you for assistance after a short time and droid market assistance is always free for as long as you own the phone. Just another difference that helps the droid market in my opinion.

Never had a problem, great pictures, battery life is awesome.

Someone sold Skip a defective one, 2 yrs for me not one issue!
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