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Jeds 1st turkey


New Member
This is a little late but here it is. Last Friday morning we hunted a farm that I really didn’t scout enough but decided to give it a try anyways. We got there plenty early and had the DB set-up and was settled in by 5:15. As all of you know the weather conditions were less than favorable. Over a cup of coffee & some hot chocolate the boys minds, adrenaline and anticipation were about peaked and the talk and questions were non stop while waiting and watching the turkey world wake up. I reminisced in my mind about the same feeling they were having when I was that age hunting with my dad. At 6:15 I did a set of tree yelps and with soft purrs and clucks and still we had yet to hear a gobble and I was getting worried that it was going to be a slow day in the blind. After a few more series of calls 7:00 had rolled around and still not a single gobble. I was starting to wonder if I had made a bad decision about coming to this farm without prescouting it. Then finally it happened a gobble and he was close, I looked out the side of the blind and saw him fly down about 60 yards away and land in the grass and walk away from us up the hill. It was 7:05. My heart sank because I figured that we had set up to close and he had watched us and seen the decoys already in place. I cut real hard on the slate and heard him gobble on the top of the hill. I figured I’d let it rest for a while and test our patience. Ten minutes later I let out a series of soothing yelps and he gobbled back but this time he was back were he had roosted at. Game on I told the boys. Now we wait I said. At 7:20 I purred and clucked softly with no response. I yelped followed with a gobble call and he triple gobbled back at me. And was 30–40 yards out just over the crest of the hill. Jed was already in position with the barrel stuffed through the blind opening. Seconds later he appeared and sees Pretty boy Roy with his girls and gobbles at them. I told him to wait until he made it to the decoys. About a minute later after watching the whole show as he strutted, spitted and drummed right to the pretty boy 15 yards away pretty much pushing him over off the stake I told Jed to take off the safety, settle the sights in and squeeze the trigger. He was shaking so bad and breathing so hard it’s a wonder the tom never seen or heard him. Seconds later the report of the gun sounded and Jed’s first turkey fell into a deep sleep dirt nap without so much as a flop. The inside of the blind exploded with excitement as the boys jumped up and bounced from one side to the other trying to get out of the blind and knocking me over in my DB seat in the process. After some quick high fives and some laughs the race was on to get his bird. I stood next to the blind as I watched them run to the bird and bask in the glory. That feeling I had at that moment is unexplainable. Jarrett my other son wound up missing a nice tom on Saturday which really took the wind out of his sails for awhile and we just couldn’t get the birds to work for us on Sunday. All in all despite the crappy weather I had an absolutely awesome weekend with the boys. Memories for a lifetime.
His bird weighed in at 25 lbs. 2 oz. with one spur busted off and the other at 7/8” long with an 11 ½” beard. Not to bad for a first bird.


Saturday morning from the blind in the white stuff.

In the blind sharing a good laugh. Kind of slow and tired we were getting the giggles.

Sunday early afternoon heading back to the blind after some PB & J's and some snacks.
Great story man - and awesome job taking them out. I just became a father 4 months ago and I nearly busted out in tears thinking of that feeling you must have had when they knocked you over in the blind out of excitement and watching them run to the bird - something I can't wait to experience. Seriously awesome man. Congrats.
Great stuff..thats what its all about! Tip my hat to you for taking them out, I remember how excited I was at that age and they WILL NEVER forget it.
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