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land owner permit questions


I have never purchased a land owner permit so i dont really know anything about them. The land my father owns has 4 different parcel numbers so can i get four different tags? Can i only get 1 tag per parcel? how does this all work? Do my regular tags interfere land owners tags?
does this matter what regular tags i have? And are land owner doe tags based on the regular doe tag count or is there a seperate deal. And does every resident get a tag. I dont want to get a tag and my dad not be able to get one
if your name isnt on anything you dont get any tags. I am in a similar situation to you, dad farms 2300 acres and I help out on the farm on weekends and such. Contacted a co this year and got a reply that I was not immediately affected by deer damage so I got NO tags. Bummed me out something fierce.
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