Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Lease Frustration


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As my niece Lindsay was sitting in her stand Saturday morning this hunter walked up on her. She snapped this photo and asked what he was doing. He responded that he is from Michigan and had permission to hunt here but would move to another location. Lindsay asked him his name but he wouldn't give it up. She quickly asked him who gave him permission and he replied that he went through an outfitter in Michigan that said he leased this ground. He did give up his name. Lindsay went to her uncle and asked him if he leased any ground to an outfit from out of state. He stated that early in the summer he had been contacted by a guy in Michigan and he wanted to lease all his ground. He agreed to and they settled on a price and time to pay. The guy never paid but apparently is still sending clients down here. Has anyone else ever heard of people getting screwed like this. He may be out a few bucks (no pun intended.)

I wouldn't want to be the hunter sent down to hunt here,they wouldnt know whats going on!.....bad deal, hope it gets worked out!
The outfitter probably made out with a couple thousand dollars off this poor guy, too. Sounds like a bad deal for everyone involved.
Heard of that before guy wasn't even an outfitter but said he was and people paid him and he would just drop hunters off on random properties he had no permission on
That's how I hunt & make a lot of extra $!
Kidding, that sucks!!!
My farms- I lock the gates and signs are custom made which will instantly get a message across no one should be in there. That stinks for sure. Maybe some more security and notice is necessary?
The check is in the mail.......

Unscrupulous bastards.

What is lost in this story is the landowner agreed to lease his land but didn't tell his relatives. What if the check had cleared?

Cudos for the legal hunter to stand her ground.
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