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Leasing Out Ground


New Member
I have been hunting this certain timber all my life and my father has been hunting it for about 40 years. The guy that owns the large timber happens to be our relation. Well last year they leased out the timber for both shotgun seasons not allowing my dad or I hunt it. We said well that is fine just as long as we can bow hunt it. Well this year they have it leased out for bow/shotgun. I just kind of sad seeing a family farm we have been hunting on for all these years being taken away from us. At least we farm and have many places to hunt and I got permission from a guy that owns the other side of the timber. So I guess it isn’t that big of a deal to me but just the fact that it was our own relation that did this and not telling us till the bow season was almost here.
Have any of you ever had something like this happen to you?
Crazy what money will do to people!

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Exactly!! Sad Deal. We are having timbers around us sold off of the farms they go with.
I agree that it's sad. It seems that more landowners are becoming motivated by offers to lease the hunting rights for their land...I'm affraid that someday it will either be lease or hunt public areas unless you only hunt your own land.
Have any of you ever had something like this happen to you?

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more than i care to share...
crappy deal, and i do feel your pain....

keep on truckin'
I don't know- could be that they thought you had lots of other ground to hunt and didn't know how much it meant to you guys. I made a similar mistake because of a misunderstanding between family.
My brother and I have had land yanked out from under us MANY times. Sometimes we found out on opening day.....now THAT'S a bummer. This is after treating the landowner and land with respect. Sometimes there is nothing you can do. All I can say is, kiss the a*s of the people who own the land you still have to hunt. Offer some venison to them, or a hand around the farm. Xmas cards saying thank you goes a long way. I've found that people appreciate when you just stop by or call and DON'T want anything.
If I had the extra cash around or the ground to lease, I would be cashing in why I could also. This great time for making a quick buck isnt going to last for long
Well today I got permission to hunt an old farm of one of my dad's friends. It is 70 acres and has a pond in it. The only problem I am facing with it is that there is no tree stands in there and it is kind of hard to get to since the corn is still surrounding the timber.
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