Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Lighted nock recommendations???

No- I just haven't advanced at all with arrows over 8-10 yrs. my broadheads dont have blood trails I like and it seems a lot of guys thought the small vains had some advantages over my old school vains. So- just doing a little catch up! I get too wrapped up in habitat & hunting itself to keep up with all the gear so I figured it was time to advance from my cave man stuff :)

It's about time, Skip. You're almost pushing 30 now. You can't let us old farts be more up on new technology. :moon:

Skip you're switching to mechanicals? Oh boy...

I know... What has the world come to?!?!?! :grin:
I don't like Rage for a host of issues BUT I don't like my fixed heads for blood trails, etc. Then, for ME, it came down to... Do I need to punch through a shoulder blade more often & get lucky VS a shot further back & get lucky?? I opted for more shots being further back & wider cutting without all the problems with Rage heads I've personally seen over & over. Maxed the bow out at 70 lbs & 95% of the time no matter the head I'm fine BUT I guess the other 5% will never have any guarantees no matter what.
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