Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Locked up Kansas bucks


Shed Head!!!
Here are a couple of pictures sent to me by a friend. These deer supposedly came from around Dodge City Kansas. One was alive and all that was left of the other one is the head and some hide.....

The live deer was shot with a bow....

From the looks I think they are Mulies mainly because of the split G2's, the small brow tines and big ears....

What do you think, Whitetail or Mulie???

Thought you would enjoy....



That is crazy all that was left of the other was head and hide? What do you think happened there?
I remember seeing a similar story in Sports Afield a long time ago about a hunter in Michigan that was driving to his hunting area and as he neared the entrance to his property he had a buck run across the road in front of him. The buck had a head from another deer attahced to the rack with a little bit of hide left.....

The story said that the dead deer evidently was killed by the brow tine of the other deer (it poked a hole through the skull).... The story also speculated that the live deer severed the head of the other deer more than likely using his hooves to do the dirty work..... The hunter ended up harvesting the live deer with a rifle....

I think the live Mule deer must have done the same. I just can't imagine yotes eating the body off of the deer that was attached to the live deer......

Definately Mulies.

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I agree. A couple of nice ones though!

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id love to put an arrow in either one of those boys....
No doubt mulies. I would have a hard time imagining how either scenario would play out. Coyotes or the live buck getting rid of the carcass. I can't see how the coyotes would be on the dead one enough to separate the body without killing the live one. But I could understand the live buck circling the dead one until the body was twisted off the dead buck. I just can't see how the buck would figure out how to kick the other buck with out slamming his own head down. He would use all neck muscles and probably spin until it popped. Thats what I think. Don't know for sure. Thats what makes it fun. Thanks for sharing, totally awesome bucks!!
My bro-in-law and I found a couple of locked bucks six years ago. One alive and the other dead, and sure enough, the hindquarters of the dead buck was almost completely gone. I guess the 'yotes went for the easier meal in order to keep from getting a hoof sandwich. We managed to bust the right beam of the dead buck with an axe and the live one took off a little gimpy and with quite a story to tell I'm sure. We got the whole thing on video!
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