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longest shot with muzz


PMA Member
I was wondering what everyone says there ave. shot for there muzz is and whats there longest??? I made a really long shot to close out my season. Mostly luck probably.
I practice out to 300. If you find the right load combo and some practice you can get good groups out that far
Average shot is probably 60, most shots are under 125. My farthest kill was 265.
Average shot less than 100 yards. My farthest is 232, my dad's farthest was 274, wouldn't of believed it if I didn't range it myself.
Dont really know the exact yardage, guessing around 200 yrds.Average for me is under 50, I primarily bowhunt and suppose it carries over to my gun hunting, I just like to get as close as possible
I practice to 300 yds. Longest shot with a clean kill 235 yds. Average shot 50-75 yds somewhere. Most comfortable shooting at 150 yds or less. I like to get them as close as possible as well. Just like bow hunting, I play the percentages. The closer they are the less likely I'm to miss or wound the animal.
Mine probably average about 100, but my first two within 10 minutes of eachother was a doe at 200 yds with shooting sticks and another at 218 yds standing and free-handed(that's my furthest so far) then I missed a doe this weekend free handed at 50 yds... go figure
I took one long shot once, I would guess about 150'ish yards, at a limping deer I thought someone else had already wounded. It turns out that it just had a broken/crippled leg, that was all healed up BTW. I had a steady rest and the deer was stationary and the shot was money, but I was even uncomfortable with the length then.

Otherwise I have never taken a shot more than about 60 yards and most times well under that. Man you guys are long range killers, I have never even sighted my gun in at those ranges.
These long ranges have me curious...what type of bullet drop are you getting with say a 200 yard shot? The 150'ish yard shot I took once I held on the top of the deers back and dropped it into the boiler room, so 6"-8" drop I would say.

All my other shots have been no allowance, just aim and shoot, dead deer.
These long ranges have me curious...what type of bullet drop are you getting with say a 200 yard shot? The 150'ish yard shot I took once I held on the top of the deers back and dropped it into the boiler room, so 6"-8" drop I would say.

All my other shots have been no allowance, just aim and shoot, dead deer.

Haven't had to worry about the drop.. my nikon omega bdc250 does it all for me ;)
Mine shoots right at 3 inches high at 100 and 3 inches low at 200. Dead on at 150. 120 grains bh209 and 250 grain barnes tmz or hornady sst.
My farthest was a buck last year at 150ish. Hit dead nutz. Wouldn't be affraid to shoot 200 but man, you guys are making me think I should be shooting alittle farther. I am shooting 250 shockwave, 90 grs of blackhorn 209 with a cci magnum primer. 3 inches high at 100 and dead nutz at 150. 3-6 at 200 depending on clean bore or fouled.
Furthest shot is about 120 yards this year. 100 grains pyrdoex and a 295 grain HP powerbelt. I practice to 150.
My longest is probably around 180 but I've watched my brother knock 2 down well over 325 and I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it.
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