Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Luna the Rabbit


Active Member
Meet Luna. My daughter is moving and guess who get's to take care of her pet rabbit.:p At least she is litter box trained and knows a few simple commands, especially "NO"! I guess it must be in there genetics because if I don't keep a close watch on her, she starts chewing on sheds.
I let her out of her pen and the first place she goes is on my shouilder and then the top of the couch. This is going to be a fun few weeks.:rolleyes:

The gloves are off!!!!!:mad: If that $$^&%%@((^%$&&*#!!! pile of buck toothed fur bites me again, she's going to meet with a hunting accident! ........Lead poisoning.:way:
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