Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Members Wanted!



Before the server crashed we had e-mailed all our Iowa Whitetail members that we needed there help. Basically what we are needing is for everyone who reads this Conference to Register. Currently we have 600+ members, people who have Registered, some post messages and some don't. Our goal is to get 1,000 before year-end. Why? To show our advertisers that we have a large group of readers who follow the site. Not only does it help with the current banner ad advertisers we have but also the future list we are prospecting and working with as we speak.

We want to keep inmproving the site and making it better, advertisers help pay for those cost. E-mail 10 people you know that aren't on the site or haven't registered to do so today.


We don't sell your name or e-mail address, in fact we protect it from others.

Lets keep the site going and growing, do your part today!

Thanks for your help!
Reminder post...for our friends that browse from work

If you enjoy the site tell a friend or two or three...

Thanks again!
In the past two days we have picked up about 100 new members!

If you have passed on our website to 10 people you know we appreciate your referral, if you haven't please help us by e-mailing our website address to 10 people you know that would enjoy our site.

Thanks for helping us keep this a FREE site!

We're making hay now, lots of new members registering, keep it going we need your help!

Here is an easy way to pass our site on to a friend,EmailToAFrien d.Don't forget over X-Mas when family and friends are back to tell them about the site.


[This message has been edited by iowawhitetail (edited 12-19-2001).]
Only a couple days left in our "New Member" campaign and well give you guys/gals a break.We still need a 100 or so to get to our goal of 1,000 registered members.

Help us out, tell your friends and family about the site.


One of our more famous long-time members with his 2000 Iowa Whitetail - Bow, the one and only "Limb Chicken".
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