Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Missouri Bow Kill During Rifle Season


I'll start off by saying that this bow season has been a tough and strenuous year is an understatement, but everything finally came together on Saturday evening. Saturday evening started out with a button buck that spent nearly an hour within bow range that just would not leave me alone. Finally around 5PM he decided to head towards the corn field and free me up to move around a little bit in the stand. But about 5 minutes after the BB was out of sight, I caught a glimpse of a deer running through the timber about 80 yards from me. I grunted at him a few times with the VECtor to try to stop him and added a couple of doe bleats to try to bring him in. After not hearing or seeing anything for a couple minutes I added a few more grunts.....and nothing. I waited a few more minutes and it was getting pretty close to last shooting light for me so I started to get my things together to get out of the stand. I had just taken my pack off of the tree when I spotted this guy coming in hard at 20 yards. I guess those last three grunts from the VECtor stirred his curiousity enough to come in for a look. He passed directly under my stand and I was able to get in a pretty hard quartering away shot at 10 yards.

The buck ended up scoring 138 5/8 as a typical 8 point with a small kicker on this left base. What he lacks in tine length he adds in mass, as he had over 35 inches of mass, including 5.5 inch bases and over 4 inch mass measurements throughout both main beams. Based on body size, body characteristics and the amount of mass, we are pretty sure that this buck is a mature 4.5 year old. We have so many different trail cam pics and sheds from this property, but this is a buck that none of us had seen yet. Definitely my best bow kill to date and even better that he was taken with a bow during rifle season. And special thanks to Bow Jangles - your tracking capabilities are amazing!!!

When we field dressed him, we found this buck was a fighter. He had five or six fresh cuts on his neck, two puncture wounds in his back and a three inch gouge underneath his shoulder. I'm sure the other bucks on the property are glad he's not running around anymore.

BB directly under my stand.



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