Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



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Swobie and I had the day off so we went on a mushroom hunt.
Things started off good with Swobie grabbing the first one a little over 30 yards from the truck. He then found another and then I scooped one up. We went a long way after those first 3 with nothing.

Next thing I know Swobie is finding a half dozen more to my none. I'm now getting depressed that it's going to be a bad day when suddenly I get my mushroom eyes going and turn up the heat. I half fill a bag without telling Swobie.

From there on they were everywhere! We picked about 35 lbs. within about a 100x10 yard peice of ground. All were nice big ones. Good luck everyone. Jay

Here's Swobie scooping up a few.
Well, that makes the decision easy. I was wondering if I should mow my yard or go for a walk and see if any shrooms have popped. I guess the yard can wait
Wow.35 lbs.Well looks like my yard is gonna have to wait to.
Awesome job shovelbuck! I can't wait to go look for some this weekend! Man you're making me hungry.....
I should have mowed my yard
Hit the hot spots even and no sign what so ever.
Guess they aren't ready yet around there. Damn, I was craving some fried mushrooms.
Jay, I really start hating you this time of year when you post pictures like that.
Re: Morels 0, Fish 15

Yesterday I got done with my chores early. I was torn between hunting for morels or going fishing. I figured the fish could wait
I looked for morels for almost two hours in Johnson county and didn't find a one

Today when I got done with the chores, I decided to try fishing. I had a Rapala tied on from last year, so started casting it. The first fish I caught was a three pound channel cat. Next I caught 2 large mouth bass. I read on the DNR website that some people were having success with white jigs/grubs lately. I switched and caught a bunch of large mouth bass on a white plastic grub, maybe 15 fish in an hour. A couple were really decent size (4+lbs). You'll have to take my word
as I didn't have a camera and I'm catch and release. I guess I'll fish while waiting for the morels to pop
Re: Morels 0, Fish 15

We didn't get out until this afternoon.
It was slower going than the other day though. Between two of us we probably had around 15 lbs.
They sure taste great fresh but I need to give my tummy a rest! Twice a day for 3 straight days has caught up with me.

Greay job with the fish. Sounds like a good time.
Re: Morels 0, Fish 15

What part of the state are you finding morels? Just a general area is all I'm interested in.... With the warm weather we are having, they should be showing up around here (maybe they are and I just haven't hit the right spot yet). Anybody finding morels in Johnson Co.?
Re: Morels 0, Fish 15

I'm in Iowa county and haven't found anyting yet. I even went to the sweet spot that always has mushrooms from early to late and nothing so I'm guessing it's alittle to early around here yet.
Re: Morels 0, Fish 15

I'm finding them in the central part of the state. Just south of Grand Island on the Platte river. South or west facing openings on higher, well drained areas.
Re: Morels 0, Fish 15

You gave us all the info we need but the address
Man I can't wait for those things to pop.
Re: Morels 0, Fish 15

I dont have any morels yet, but I do got some fish. Caught these Sunday. Two walleye, one 5 pounder. One 4 pound catfish and two good sized whitebass
Re: Morels 0, Fish 15

I went out tonight and looked around my favorite tree and found a nice batch of them. They were all about 3-4 inches tall. I think once we get a rain and heat, it's gonnna be on. I think a guy could find quite a few right now though.
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