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moutrie m-80 problems


New Member
I have the Moultrie m-80 (2011 model) and the first time i checked it i noticed that it is taking photos in night time mode in the middle of the day most of the time. Not all the time though. it will take one in night mode then the next photo will be in regular mode. Is there a setting that I am missing? Its in the middle of the woods so the light is not great but is good enough to take photos without a flash. Any help would be great.
No help for you but I just put out that same camera an hour ago. hopefully everything works on it...worked great last year.
I have 2 M-80s and the problem could be the lack of light. I sometimes get black and white photos in early morning or an hour before dark. Very frustrating at times. You may have to move the camera to get more light. I had a problem with one of my M-80s and I had to call moultrie. They were a great help. There is a reset button inside the battery compartment. You need to pull the batteries and SD card, then turn the camera in the on position and push the reset button. wait 5 minutes and reinstall the SD card and batteries and then turn camera on. If this doesn't help, then Moultrie can send you and update to your email and you will have to download it to an SD card and install in your camera. This fixed mine. Good luck.
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