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Moving stand


New Member
Being fairly need to bow hunting i'm wanting to move a stand and hunting it this afternoon is this a good idea or am i pushing my luck
All depends on your area, If i was to move a stand i would wait until noon or one oclock (but i choose the cover of night) to move the stand and two key componets are STEALTH and SCENT PREVENTION espacialy near bedding areas. And Welcome to the world of bowhunting, Shoot straight and shoot often.
whole conflict is that when they move to the field they are slipping out about 100 yrd from where i have a stand and staying out in the main part of the field and not working back into the "cove" in the field
I'd move it and hunt it the same day (as long as the wind is right). Deer hunting isn't necessarily all about patience, its about being smart and sometimes taking risks. It may pay off and it may burn you, but if you don't do what your gut tells you to then you will always be wondering if you should have. I'd go for it if I was you.
patience on stand placement

moving it might do the trick but then again when you do they will be where you were before. it seem's to happen a lot. try to observe their pattern and make a good choice, just don't get in the habit of moving all the time i've hunted out of the same tree for 7 yrs and never moved and have seen deer in other area's but my area has proved itself with 7 bucks in a row. try using the montana decoy doe, i have used them for the last 7 yrs and they will work. all my buck's have been killed over the decoy's
Move it and hunt it. Some of my best hunts have Come from moving a set somewhere I wanted to try. Go in early be quiet set it up, and hunt. I killed my biggest buck that way.
If your gut told you to place the stand in the location you have it now, keep it there, at least for a bit when the rut starts going. The rut is getting closer now and that is what you want to set up for. Who knows, maybe it is not in a good spot for feeding pattern trails etc., but during the rut, it could be awesome. Another reason why you might have come to the conclusion to set up shop where you did. But I gather, being fairly new to the game, you probably set up based off of trails? Food? All things to think about, but I would be gearing up for the rut and observing a little more before moving. Some of my biggest regrets of bow hunting was being impatient and moving too soon, only to find out I was in THE SPOT during the rut. Too much moving around can frustrate you and the "What Ifs" too. Being new, you need to sit and observe for a bit, then make a move. Also, PATIENCE my friend! It is early! I know there are big bucks going down, but there always will be early... Everyone has a different hunting situation. You just have to figure that out on your farm and work with it. My guess is, you have a rut spot. So do your stand hanging based off of what you think the rut will make the big boyz do... Good luck, and also, I live in Bondurant as well, if ya want to pm and stop over sometime. Always up for deer talk, showing off antlers, pictures, etc. I'd also like to think I'm fairly knowledgeable in the woods when it comes to patterning etc.
Almost every setup I have involves packing in a stand when i go to sit and packing it back to the truck when I'm done. As long as you can get it done quickly and (more important) quietly, then you'll get away with it all season long. I also like what Scooter and 157buck said...the bucks will be cruising soon, and a cold stand could heat up quick.

Best thing you can do is just get out there and try things. In a couple years you'll learn from all the wrong and right decisions, and you'll know where to go and when. :way:
FWIW, in the past 2 yrs, i've shot 2 nice bucks after changing my stand during the season after my first spot disappointed. I do try to move during mid day though
Saturday night cruising the field cove i just recently set a stand in he worked west to east rubbing the trees and pawing the dirt. Im not sure i want to move that stand but i do have a second stand i could move to the west or the one i have now but Im afraid u might be get to close to where the other walks in to his stand
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