MT whitetail hunt



hi guys need your help as some of you know I'm involved with a non profit orginazation for hunters called Hunters Helping Hunters as of this time we have our second raffle going Grand Prize is a 5 day fully guided archery whitetail hunt on the famed Milk River in Montana plus $1000 for tags and travel we have many other great prizes to offer to please buy a ticket or join our us so we can continue to help our less fortunate brother hunters
guess no bowhunters here
I must of missed something. What is your organization stand for? How much for a ticket? Let me know and I might buy one.

we are an orginazation made up of hunters to assist hunters in a time of need. we have these raffles as a means of generating funds to assist these hunters in need we also accept donations that will be tax deductable as soon as the goverment gives its ok visit our site if you have questions web page thanks to anyone that can help
After seeing some of these MONSTER BUCKS these guys hunt,why would they hunt anywhere else but IOWA?
I haven't read anything to find out how to buy anything or how much a raffle ticket is.
Where is your organization out of?
How far from the headquarters do you help hunters in need?
What do you have to do to qualify to get assistance?
How do hear about the people in need?
What does it take to be considered a hunter?
What exactly do you do with the money you receive. Who receives money if involved in a crisis. How much money do you give out and What constitutes a crisis to your organization. Do you provide insurance? How do you help hunters? Financially, mentally? Just asking because you haven't said much about the organization besides the name of it.

mainly we help pay med expenses that insurance dont cover and we also help physicly by helping someone move as the case with a family in CA every case is different as to their needs. most monies collected are used for these hunters in need all of us do this on our own time for free the only expences are mailings and shows basicly hope i have helped if not call our 800 number or see our site 1-866-444-0338 Hunters Helping Hunters