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My 4th season bird...long story!

Got my 4th season bird last on Thursday morning May 5th. The previous Saturday as I was heading in, I saw the turkeys on the roost facing the opposite direction, but didn't want to spook them. I was within 60 yards of them! So I listened to them and watched them and they flew down right on the other side of the hill...so could hear them but not see them. After 30 minutes and growing impatient, I wanted to look over and see where they were, when I heard that spitting sound and it was too late. All of a sudden, I had a tom fanned out five yards in front of me and I was not ready! After sitting still and my heart beating so hard, he must of thought I was a tom spitting and drumming, I decided to let him walk to my left so I could eventually get a 10 yard shot. But as I tried to slowly aim at him, the second one come over the hill fanned out and saw me! Putt, putt and flies away. the other one comes out of strut and goes over the hill. So I get up and as soon as I look over the hill, I have deer criss crossing, turkeys flying, all hell breaking loose! I felt like a loser being so close and not even getting a shot off! So then on Thursday morning, when they were gobbling in the roost, i would soft yelp, but they wouldn't respond until the real hen roosted nearby would yelp. So I got out the gobbler tube and started gobbling away, and they fired up. toms and jakes were going crazy. it was the most fun i ever have had in my life with birds on the roost! this lasted for almost 20 minutes. and when they hit the ground, the only gobbled one time and they went the other way. so I moved to a tree by the field edge and i watched 3 toms and 6 hens way away from me, with 2 toms keeping their distance from the lead tom! So I again got set up ahead of them, and the morning sun started to peek out through the clouds and what a pretty sight! tom fanned out 25 yards in front of me with two hens. 5 minutes later, I shot the heaviest bird i have ever got. 28.1 lbs 1.5 inch spurs and 11 inch beard!
My niece Kaylee loves Uncle Lonnie to bring home turkeys for her to see! She is the only 15 month old that I know that can make the gobble sound of the tom turkey!
I felt like a loser being so close and not even getting a shot off!

Been there! :D I once had two toms fly down within 8 yards of me and immediately strut their way to within about 10 feet and I iced up and never got a shot off!

Nice bird, congrats! :way:
Great bird! :way:

Someday I will shoot one with 1.50" hooks or better ................... someday!!!
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