Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

My apologies.

Jdubs - long story short. Nobody knew the rifle season or thanksgiving season was being brought up for vote. I found out the Friday night before the vote, and we got on the horn with everyone that we could get a hold of to discuss this issue in great depth. It kinds of boils down to this... The legislature, govenor, DNR are not hearing anything from the hunters. I know that there are a number of people on here that are in contact with them, and I really appreciate it, keep up the good work! But the vast majority of hunters are not. The insurance industry is really putting the heat on the Legislature and DNR. The IBA is in constant contact with the DNR, Lobbyist, Legislative Reps, and other sportsman groups. We do what our membership wants. We send our emails asking info, there was a questioneer at the Spring Banquet, and there will be at the fall festival. This is not a one man show! All of our numbers and email address are one the web site and in the bowhunter. Please contact us with any questions or comments at any time! And as far as the NR issue goes, what would you want your state bowhunters organization to do? Our membership told us that they wanted to keep the NR tags at the same levels they were last year. That is what we pushed for!

Keep up the good work. It appears to me the IBA is the only "organization" vocal about IA huntig issues.
In PA the hunting is totally screwed up, hence, the reason I love coming to Iowa when I draw.
But, it does appear to me the legislators kept this quiet. They had to know for awhile the new seasons were to be proposed. You might want to ask some of the legislators close to the IBA why they didn't mention anything. They had to have known.
Jdubs, not to fear Iowa will increase it's tags to 10,000 next year due to a new organization that is being started by a friend of mine. It will be run by a few of the outfitters in Iowa and backed by some big named insurance companies. He also has some major donations pledged by outdoor companies....The day will soon be here....
He is working with senator Rahons to push it through....Looks very promising...IF not the IBA will surely let more Rifle hunting in......
My point to Supertec is the IA legislators who appear to be in bed with the IBA obviously failed to mention the most recent rifle legislation. I certainly don't want to see rifles in IA, but maybe the IBA should reconsider the NR issue and come a little. I'm not suggesting open the flood gates to NR's, but to give a little to prosper in the long run. The politicians are going to side with wealthy lobbies like the insurance industry, and those who love IA hunting have to get a pulse on what the concerns of all IA residents are, and know the concerns of powerful lobbies who will use $$ to get their way. Once that is known the IBA, and other concerned IA hunters, have to give a little to maintain the best hunting state in the country. Lastly, I don't think giving some will open the flood gates as some suggest. I definitely know that being non-cooperative will cause law makers to do something whether they know it is right or not.
Jdubs - Our state legislators did not know until after it was voted in. I talked to several of them over the past few weeks, and it was the first time they had heard anything about it. This was not done by the Legislature, but by the Natural Resourse Commission! It did not have to go through the regular legislative session. It will go to the Legislative Rules Committee in the next month or so to get final approval and to set all the rules and regs of this new season. If you had the quality deer herd that we have today in your state, would you not want to make sure it stays that way? Again - the IBA acted on the responce from our membership, not just the board alone. I would hope your bowhunter organization would do the same for you! Jdubs - thank you for being civil in your responce!

No problem. I learned a few things today. Thanks for the quick response. Trust me, I have no problem with the current NR regs, I just hate this rifle thing and hope it's not tip of the ice berg.

I do appreciate your explanation on this topic but it seems to be more of a justification for a wrong move. I think that it is time to call the committee back together, admit that a mistake was made, and that this thing was handled inappropriately by sliding it in the back door. Then utilize some of the common sense ideas that have been discussed here to address the population issue. Insurance companies profit now and will profit more if you fall to their pleas. Of course they want less deer. It means more $$$$$$ in their pocket. Retract this thing now and make it right.


You could turn a conversation about the weather into a NR issue!
Jdubs, not to fear Iowa will increase it's tags to 10,000 next year due to a new organization that is being started by a friend of mine. It will be run by a few of the outfitters in Iowa and backed by some big named insurance companies. He also has some major donations pledged by outdoor companies....The day will soon be here.... He is working with senator Rahons to push it through....Looks very promising...IF not the IBA will surely let more Rifle hunting in......

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm glad Thunder Ridge Outfitters is looking out for everyones best interest Tony.

Please keep us updated on this, especially with some information on which outdoor companies will be supporting this.

Looking out for all. Residents and Non Residents. Like how you found this out. Never posted it and saw my picture on here too. Bad Deal for CL.
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