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My tip on opening a hub blind


UL Shelter/Stove Geek
I have never read where guys open a blind like I do. I may find out that this is more common then I know of. Here ya go:

Here is how I open my hub style blinds. I DESPISE crawling in them and opening a blind like the Double Bull videos teach you to. I have 2 Double Bulls and an ASAT. Here is the EASY way to do it, and this Takes the same amount of time to open, and you don't knock your hat off, nor do you pinch your hands in the hubs. Pull the blind out, find the roof, tie a different colored string/cord to the roof eyelet, so that it is easy to distinguish from the wall cords. Now, pull straight up on this roof cord and pop the roof open. Now, just casually walk around and pull a wall cord and open a wall, then go to the opposite facing side of the one you just opened and open it by pulling on the cord. Repeat for the last two walls. The blind is open. Close the blind by reversing what you just did. I guarantee once you open a blind like this, you won't go through the issues of crawling in one and pushing out on the hubs again.
That is a good way to put them up, but I wouldn't recommend it for take-down. I see more rods snap and break this way. If you take your time, you will be fine though.
5 years of doing this and i have never broke a rod. I also feel they can be opened quieter too opening them like this.
Leave it up to AT to have guy that owns a Bone Collector blind and my way is the way they teach now too.

Yea...Here ya go. Watch the video on this page. Click on the instructions link near the top of the page. Pretty well like I do it, but he doesn't go to opposite walls. I have just found it easier to go to opposite walls.

After damn near cutting my thumb off last turkey season in one of the hubs, I'm definately going to give this method a try. Thanks for the tip!
Not to change the subject but anyone ever have one of those metal connections in the hub break? I have went through 4 now on just one hub and it keeps snapping them after about 5 times opening the blind. Anyone have an idea of whats going on?

Good idea HCH.....
HUH... I never saw any insturctions before. That is the way I have been setting up and taking down my Ameristep for 5 years. Works just fine for me.
good tip...you wouldn't believe how many gloves I have ripped in those hubs. Why gloves you ask???Because that felt better than the chunks of skin I used to rip off.
Great tip :way: I feel my spring vocabulary improving already :D

Seriously, I think having a string tied to the roof hub is, in itself, an outstanding idea. To me, it seems once I get that out, all else falls in place pretty easily. Thanks again!!

HUH... I never saw any insturctions before. That is the way I have been setting up and taking down my Ameristep for 5 years. Works just fine for me.

Same here. never even occurred to me to get inside to set it up. who wants to debate which color rope is best for the top? I use some old yellow nylon rope leftover from my boating days....................:rolleyes:
I found this very hard to do with my blind. I can pick up the hole blind up by the cord on the roof hub and still does not pop. It is hard to get one of the wall hubs to pop the way the DB instructions show.

It is last yars double bull that didnt get much use last year. Im going to leave it set up for a few days to see if the fabric will stretch.

What do you guys think will it help?
Played with it some more and figured it out.

Needed to get the walls out of the umbrella shape. This made the roof hub pop easier.
Glad to hear. I have opened my two latest new blinds this way always. I was going to say that if you are ever in the Ames area, give me a shout and I will show you.
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