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Name Suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Tonight I met with a group to discuss the start of an Archery Club in the Des Moines area.

We wanted to get your opinions on names for the club. Please let us know your thoughts!
I used to be in another archery club 20 years ago here in Des Moines called-The Forked River Archers - pretty catchy I think ; just a suggestion
They are planning to have both indoor and outdoor shoots as well as becoming a 100% IBA member club.

Thanks again,
Great suggestions . . . keep them coming!

I will throw in a free hat and decal to the individual that comes up with the winning name (the one used by the new club).

Free Hat....I better try this.

Central Iowa Bowhunters
Central Iowa Archers
Bullseye Bowhunters
Polk County Stick & Stringers
D.A.S.H. -DesMoines Area Spotties & Hunters, Archery Club
Full Draw Archers of DesMoines
Adrenaline Junkies of Polk County-Archery Division.......boy the chit is getting thick I better end.
So far it looks like either Mid Iowa Archers or Drop Tine Archers. Thanks for the suggestions and keep them coming.
Mid-Iowa Archers was decided upon. Since Old Buck first suggested Mid-Iowa bowhunters he wins the hat. Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I will post more soon to let everyone know about the new club in Central Iowa.

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