Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Need a little help soon!


Hey guys, I don't know if anyone will be on here this late. I'm in need of some quick help. Arrowed an awsome buck tonight and the shot seemed to be a liver shot. Being an idiot I only gave him about 45 minutes to lay down. Well went in and tracked and had great blood for about 150 yds. The blood seemed to be a brighter red and a good amount. Looks like the buck bed down and bled some more. I don't know if I kicked him up again or not??? He did however get up and moved and I lost blood trail. I'm going out tomorrow morning to see if I can find him. What are your thoughts on what I might have hit or probability this deer will die tonight. Any help is greatly appreciated, the sooner the better... Thanks for your time and considerations.
I don't know why the time is off on this but this was written at 11:50 P.M. October 31 and not at 4:46 A.M. like it says on the top. Thanks.
Sounds like he just needs time. He will be there at first light. Try to get some sleep haha. Tomorrow will be a great day. Make sure you post the pics.

157, Follow the basics of tracking. Take it slow if you just start stumbling around you could ruin valuable sign. Get some help extra eyes always helps, if you loose blood start doing circles from last blood always watch where you walk also follow trails wounded deer will generally follow trails unless pushed mark the blood every 10 yds to get a line on were he's headed. If you loose blood check nearby water, all to often a liver hit means guts also. Listen for crows, found a buddys buck one day by walking to where some crows had been all morning. The buck laid dead below a tree I saw the crows roosted in. We called that deer the heckle and jeckle buck. Anyway I'm rambling its late and dont know if you'll see this before you head out but good luck stay positive and dont give up you will find him.:way:
Take your bow incase he is not dead. I went through this last year and my deer was not dead the next morning. Good luck and I agree with JEG's advice.
Good luck with tracking, I sure wish I could help bud. Sadly, for me, the red/green color blindness doesnt work well. I lost one opening night that was the same as what you described. The one I lost was pry a 160"+.. I wish you the best of luck bud, and cant wait to see your pics. Let me know..I will be on my machine all day plowing cable, so if you try to call, I wont hear it more than likely. But again, good luck!!
I've shot one deer in the liver. I didn't find it.I looked for 8 hrs. But, my friends did find it the next spring. Went about 1/2 mile. Got the rack though :)
Liver shot!!

He won't go far if it was a liver shot!! You may exagerate that by pushing! But he is gonna die! May not leave a good blood trail, but if it was a true liver shot he is dead!! Look very hard!!
If you give him time and take your time-you will find him. Liver and paunch shots nearly always lead to dead deer. Biggest problem is going in to soon. Great advice above and post pics when you get him!
Give the liver about 1 day waitng period thats where i shot mine, and we fond him, you dont want to jump him he will just get farther, and farther away. but good luck hope you find him.
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