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New Dave Smith Turkey Decoys

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UL Shelter/Stove Geek
I got an email from these guys the other day, so I am letting others know. Here you go. The best the industry has, and the best cost money.


What is A.C.E. Technology?

A.C.E Technology, or “Advanced Crosslink Elastomer,” is a new plastic and decoy-making process that we at DSD have been developing since 2007! As a material A.C.E. exhibits cured properties far superior to polyethelene, which is the standard plastic that virtually all production decoys have been made with since the 1960's, and the one currently used by the factories in China for the U.S. decoy companies.

is flexible with perfect memory and unbelievably durable! It retains its properties in extreme temps and holds paint ridiculously well!
In all our tests by oursleves and our Pro-Staff, it would be hard to describe just how unbelievably durable and user-friendly A.C.E decoys really are! At DSD we are literally the only company in the world using A.C.E. Technology!

A.C.E. Technology Features:

  • Hands-down, the most durable and user-friendly decoy ever made!
  • Superior Paint Adhesion, even better than prior DSD models!
  • Self-healing - can be shot with very little if any noticeable wear!
  • Soft material makes for quiet transport through the turkey woods!
  • Perfect Memory - if crushed A.C.E. will pop back to shape!
  • Stays flexible and durable in frigid temps!
  • Maintains it’s shape and doesn’t hold dents in high temps!
  • Packable and semi-compressable to fit more decoys in a smaller space!
  • No increase in price, thanks to new, more efficient production methods!
  • No increase in weight, despite drastic increase in strength!
  • Casts in fine details extremely well!
  • No more bagging decoys!
  • Available on all 2010 DSD Turkey Decoys!
They are impressive decoys. $475 for the flock!
Not gonna lie, I wouldn't spend that kind of money on a stinking turkey decoy. I admit I like realistic decoys but can't tell you how many tore up, piece of Chit delta decoys have layed down turkeys.

Not gonna lie, I wouldn't spend that kind of money on a stinking turkey decoy. I admit I like realistic decoys but can't tell you how many tore up, piece of Chit delta decoys have layed down turkeys.


AGREED. Nice looking decoys, but a bird isn't worth that kind of $$$ to me. I remember when I bought my B-Mobile decoy and I thought I was paying too much.
Looks like they are designed and priced to decoy desperate hunters and their wallet. Turkey decoys have been so overused the last few years that I have had better luck setting up near thick cover and leaving the decoys at home. That includes a mounted hen that I paid less for than these plastic DSD's.:confused:
Here is a thread that shows the new A.C.E. technology.


I know that I have seen a mounted hen turkey sell for $300, so these are pretty affordable imo, plus these are like a Lone Wolf stand or sticks, they hold their value well.. In central IA the turkey population is low, hunter numbers are high, and toms are rare. At $2.60 a gallon for gas, time taken from work, etc. these aren't that high, if you want the best odds you can get. I only bow hunt turkeys though, and probably every 40 I could easily kill with a gun, I finally have it all come together with a bow kill. I will be getting the flock this year.
All the other decoy makers are making more life like turks and they are up near a hundred bucks. So there must be a good demand for them. As for putting a price on hunting equipment usually you get what you pay for.
retardedly expensive. last years turkey fan on a stick will bring in birds

True. But I guess if you price something high enough, there's always a few that will think it must be the ticket to success.

By the way, I will sell the underwear I was wearing when I shot my gobblers last year for a mere grand. Just PM me, I know you want to.
pretty dekes, but not worth the money..... turks will strut around a black plastic bag....
I would say I stare at my turkey decoys about 60 hours a year from a distance of 5 yards in the blind. LONG, LONG, LONG days. When my decoys look like a garbage bag, I feel like I mines well climb in that bag and close the top. No confidence.

I will say though, ever since the pretty boy and Strutting 360 I could care less what my hens look like. The gobblers don't even look at them anymore :)
I may be interested. Pics of the bow killed gobblers and proof the underwear was worn please.:way:

I knew you would be. By the way, I quit taking pictures of my turkeys about 15 years ago. Dont really see the need. I dont shoot them to show them off to anybody. And posting bragging pics on the internet just isnt my thing. I just like to hunt. And if you have seen one turkey, you have seen them all. Deer pictures are something different. I would be happy to send you pictures of the underwear though. Sorry, I wont be wearing them at the time.:way:
Good looking decoys. They are simply the cadillac of decoys. Nothing wrong with using the best. Kind of like a guy saying, "Don't drive a cadillac, drive a yugo, it gets you where you are going". No thanks, I prefer the ride and room of the cadillac. BTW, I like seeing dead turkey pics killed with a bow.
Good looking decoys. They are simply the cadillac of decoys. Nothing wrong with using the best. Kind of like a guy saying, "Don't drive a cadillac, drive a yugo, it gets you where you are going". No thanks, I prefer the ride and room of the cadillac. BTW, I like seeing dead turkey pics killed with a bow.

Hi Hardcore, better get back on the meds, your split personality is back. Not enough folks backing you up so you have to create your own web friend?:D

Now that is some seriously funny stuff. In a kind of sad way.:(

Would love to see the pictures of your Cadillac. BBBWWAAAAHHHHHAAAAHHHHHHH!!!:D:D:D:D
Ha huntmup. I am a Cyclone fan and live in Ames.:moon: The Clones put $$ in my pocket due to the University, apts, businesses, and employees that hire me. The Hawks and IA city have no impact on my income, so hence my ISU loyalty. But I like the way you think Fletch. :way:
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