Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

New Guy On A Rough Welcome Back


Well-Known Member
With just returning from Colorado with tag soup I was excited to be back on the whitetail grind so I decided to set up the scrape cam yesterday and also check a cam that has sat for two and a half weeks. While in Colorado I got a text from one of the landowners granddaughters saying a kid would be hunting during youth. So I got a little worried about how that'd affect the deer. While walking to the other property to check my cam I noticed some one had put a treestand up next to my camera. So I figured I would have pictures of them on cam and I would be able to identify it. Well when I checked my cam the pictures stopped on 9/15 and started again on 9/21 and the image numbers between the dates were off by nearly 200 pictures... Some one decided to delete my pictures. I was beyond frustrated and am leaving a note on the treestand tomorrow. I knew something was wrong when I didn't see pictures of the tractor mowing and raking the alfalfa.. However if they were trying to delete the pictures with bucks and their evidence I still got this awesome 9 pt on cam

There is a program to recover lost and deleted images from SD cards. You can find it on filehippo.com
There is always a trace and you will have pictures of the one who did it to. They always get caught walking up to the camera.
The name of the program is CardRecovery 6.10 Build 1210

Link is here.
My best guess would be low to mid 150's. I say that because he doesn't have great mass, short 5's and mediocre brows and 2's. just a WAG though with only 2 pics to go off of.
Hope you get it figured out. Probably trying to hide some bucks from Ya. Man I must be tired at first I thought you had a pie bald in the background in the first picture. Dang round bale. Time for bed.
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