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Nuther Thermacell Question


Life Member
I tested mine tonight on the back deck. Before I turned it on it was "buggy" but not intolerable. After I turned it on there wasn't a bug to be found. Not even any moths around the porch light. We sat that way for three innings (Cubs/Astros), no bugs no problems. So to be sure I turned it off. In less than 10 minutes it was skeeterville. We were getting bit up. There was, however, a noticable odor when it was on.

Here are my questions.
1: What do you do when you turn it off? Do you take the pad out and try to seal it back up or just leave it. If you leave it in the Thermacell does the pad still work when you fire it up a few days later or do you change pads?

2: If you are hunting from a tree stand do you find a way to lay it flat or do you hang it so the pad and hot plate are 90 degrees to the ground?

I think the instructions are woefully lacking in these two areas. What do you folks that have used them do?


The 'Bonker
Down here in Arkansas, we can't get along without those things. Personally I leave my T-cell out the whole time I am hunting. I don't change pads until it starts fadding to white. That maybe 4-6 hours continuous or several weekends, just depends. I did notice this year on the opening day of dove season when I was using the same pad from last year, it didn't work. In went the new pad and away went the skeeters.
On a side note, some people worry about the smell. Not only have I had deer walk directly under me, I had one buck bed down at the base of the tree I was in. I thought he would wiff it because I wasn't more than 15 ft in the air. He stayed their until 30 minutes after dark and I finally said "hey I'm coming down now" That got his attention real quick.
we picked some up for the weekend I am excited to try them. I would hope u could reuse the pad.
I have used mine a lot, many, many hours and I never put the pad back in the wrapper.

I always set mine on its back on the platform of my treestand or on the ground of a blind. These things are great for bear hunting and spring turkey hunting.

One of the best hunting products out there that actually works and is not over priced.
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