Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Old friends


I hunt days ending in Y
Although I'm probably not her friend we have met two years ago. She has a big humpback so is easily recognized. She hasn't got any bigger and really looks run down after spawning. That's a 10" worm in the corner of her mouth. After I got her picture in the water I started to lip her and the hook fell out. Catch and release anyway. Anybody have a guess what caused the humpback?
Private pond? Public lake?

I've seen some fish get show odd body abnormalities after electro shocking, but it is pretty rare.

I'm guessing it's just a freak of nature type of thing. Either way, that's a hoss.
She lacks depth but has the length. Really thin from the spawn. Not as big as some others. Maybe around 7lbs. I was reaching for the scale when the hook came out. Oh well try again.
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