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On the bone pile.


Active Member

A mature eagle flew off of this pile as I aproached to check the camera. Unfortunately the batteries had died sometime earlier. Hopefully next go around I can show off that bird.

This photo was taken with a new homebrewed IR. Hard to beat for just $155. If you aren't making your own cameras I would encouage you to look into it. This one uses Treetop's Bigfoot board and a Sony P32 camera. Dave (Treetop) resently joined this forum and introduced himself. He builds a great controller and is very helpful when you get lost in it all.
Cool pic, hope to see the eagle soon. By the way is the 155 with the camera and all.

Is the hack exactly the same as the P41 with the shutter ribbon (I do not use the stereo jack)?

Nice picture.
Are they eating cow or deer... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif (insert poking graemlin here)

Great photo, hope you post more.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Unfortunately the batteries had died sometime earlier. </div></div>

that's never ever happened to me... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/blush.gif

I really like the lithium batteries especially in the cold weather.

Lookin forward to that eagle! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
jkratz, that is camera, IR suppilies, Bigfoot controller, 1060 pelican case and ever other little thing to finish a first class trail camera.

risto2351, Very similar to the p41. The IR stuff was way easier than I though it would be. I am not completely convinced you gain much as the camera still makes noise and it seems to me the deer still look right at it. The flash is kind of loud in the P32 so even with the shutter door disabled they make some sound.

I need to try the Lithiums.
Great shot and getting the eagle sure would be cool. Thanks also for the nice plug and I try to hold up my end.
On your batteries there is alot to learn because we sure dont want to waste our time and set up a cam with batteries that wont last. They are almost a mystery to us and being able to sort out the bad ones has always been difficut. There are chargers out there that can check a battery for its capacity and condition.I just ordered one myself and look forward to being able to trust that the batteries are going to hold up at least as long as I expect them to. I also have been using Lithiums and they seem to be a good option but can get expensive. You can pretty much count on 4 to 6 weeks and 500 pics out of a set. The Rechargable are the way to go but get yourself a good charger
To answer the question the p32 is almost identical in the hack and a great camera for a first time builder Getting a good deal on one isnt easy but Sony made I bet millions of these and you can always find them on ebay Pawn shops are also a great place to get a deal on one. The photo quality and speed are close to a p41 and the flash may even be better also. Buildinga complete cam could be done for the 150 to 175 pretty easy
Those are really cool photos guys. I've thought about trying that may still have to.

How long has the bone pile been there ironwood?

Great cam photo’s guys.

I know where there is a good sized bone pile. I want to put a cam on it, but I think I will wait until they stop putting the deer scrape and bones on it. I don’t think that my trailcam would still be there if these guys dumped some more scrapes and saw it. Not the trusting sort of guys!.

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blake, I would never put a camera on someone elses bone pile. I would not relax until I had it back t home.

sack, the pile was hit first night. thing where frozen so hard for a while there I don't thing the yotes wanted to chew that hard.
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