"Orange" gobbler!


Active Member
Wow! Definitely the most gorgeous bird I've ever seen!

i agree! how rare is that? could be the way the sun is hittin' it, maybe not. thanks for sharing
That is very unique, not even the striping on the fan or wings... Limb Chicken, you know why 6this turkey carries these rare traits...?
Nothing specific other than it's a rare color phase. Similar to wild birds when they get grey or brown phases.
I read an article awhile back,and if I remember correctly,they claimed turkeys with a reddish or blonde patch within the beard was caused from a melanin pigment deficiency.Didn't say anything about feather coloring,only the beard,but wonder if this could effect his overall coloring also?
Man that is one beautiful bird right there. Sure wish I would come across something like that. Won't be long and those boss gobblers will be getting the hurt put on them.
Since my last reply,I picked up an issue of Turkey&Turkey Hunting,when I noticed it covered this very topic.The article was in the biology section titled "Freakish Feathers" by Lovett E. Williams Jr. for anyone who is interested.

It stated turkey coloration differences may result from genetic variation and mutations.And the lack of pigment can cause all sorts of rare color variations also.Most of the turkeys odd colors occur when a dark pigment is missing.That allows underlying colors to show that are normally masked by the darker pigment.And it stated,the redness color aberration is known as erythrism.

Turkey class dismissed.