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PA 8 point photos


Well-Known Member
Guys, Here some photos of a PA 8 point. He'll score about 130". By the way the gas can in the background is my secret.

Very nice buck. Is that from this year? I've heard alot of people say Pennsylvania has no big bucks but I've seen some photos of some bruisers. Great buck either way. Maggs
looks to me like he's using it plus the tote to manufacture meth and getting these nice bucks hooked on the sugar alowing him an easy kill.

That's a little 89 octane. I put a little on my boots, clothes and stands. You wouldn't believe the results.
Great buck!!I wish more guys in PA would hold out for a shooter. I killed my buck on the same day. Did you shoot him in the morning or evening?

I owe this buck to my whisker biscuit rest. I was hunting a creek bottom, in the evening, when 3 does came in to feed on a few acorns and crabapples. I attached my release and watched them only 15 yds. from my stand. After 10 min. one doe came to full alert; looking by me. I turned and saw this guy at 50 yds. closing fast. When I turned to get in position my arrow popped off the string, my biscuit kept it from falling, surely hitting my stand and scaring the buck to the next county. I quickly renocked the arrow at which time the buck was at 20 yds. broadside. I shot him at dusk and recovered him about 100 yds from the shot after waiting an hour. No doubt the biscuit saved my bacon. The deer actually had a split brow that is broken, and a broken drop on the left main beam.

Stucco, I shot the deer at dusk on 10/19. I tell you I'd rather shoot one in the morn and have daylight to look. Blood at night is tough to see.
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