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Planting over a leach field?


Active Member
So I know trees are not a good idea to plant over a septic leach field. What is actually OK to plant over a leach field? I was contemplating clovers or some mix of prairie grasses flowers. Then I was thinking any of the deeper rooted prairie grasses (little bluestem or taller) would probably be problematic as well. Thoughts on what is and what is not safe to plant over a leach field? THANKS
How wet is it going to be? My old supervisor has a sweet cattail marshy area where his septic drains out. With a little work it would look really nice if he shaped it and planted wildflowers around his cattails
Over the last 30 years I have had prairie grasses for about 20 years and more recently sunflowers or winter wheat on my leach field with no problems. About the only part of the septic season that hasn't been a problem (yet).
Do you have taller deeper rooted grasses right on your leach field? Wasn't sure if I should be worried about Big Bluestem or taller Switchgrass being too deeply rooted where they might get into the seepage holes and plug it up?
I had a lot of CIR switch with some big blue and Indiangrass. Switch was predominant. No problems after 20 years. Now it's a dove field with sunflower or winter wheat.
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