Planting switch Grass in a bottom with Reed Canary grass


Active Member
Was wondering with this New RC Switchgrass seed if anyone has or have any ideas about trying to plant it in a bottom.

The area I was looking at has flooded out before but has it in the last 5-6 years. Was thinking of mowing what there now and then spraying roundup several times then planting the RC Cave & rock.
Was wondering with this New RC Switchgrass seed if anyone has or have any ideas about trying to plant it in a bottom.

The area I was looking at has flooded out before but has it in the last 5-6 years. Was thinking of mowing what there now and then spraying roundup several times then planting the RC Cave & rock.
Need to find out if RC big Rock is a bottomland or upland switch. I don't know that one. I'm sure they have info on that or it can be found out.
It sure can't hurt. I'd hit it a few times & lay one spray of atrazine or simazine in there as well.
Skip, do you know what types of switch would be good for bottomland?
From above! Looks like RC is great! ;)
I still like to diversify switch for long run with few varieties. In ideal world- Let’s say a guy wanted to run 8 lbs to acre- could do 6 RC big rock, 1 lbs Kanlow & 1 lbs cir. Or Shawnee, etc etc