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Problems with public ground


New Member
Well i got a call from my dad Wed. night saying that he found someone on our land again. (Let me give you the lay donw of the position of this. We watch over land that we have hunted on for over 15 years. Well on one of the pieces we hunt on we have a problem with public land people coming over and hunting our ground. We had 10 people shoot deer off our land and a couple scored in the 150" range last year. The game warden got tired of coming over and dealing with it. They said they would try to get the public ground taken away and just use it for like a park or something. But still thats not gonna help the situation. What would you guys do? I dont live there anymore so i cant really help out. And my dad has signs posted everywere.
There is really nothing you can do about it unless you take extreme measures..... The only legal thing that comes to mind, would be switch your signs from no hunting to no trespassing... Then call the police and not the game warden... Which you will be able to prosecute... It will be a fine for the first offense, but it can get a lot worse for them if they keep coming around... FYI, I wouldn't be lobbying for the DNR to restrict that public ground because you might end up with problems if people found out also... Good public hunting areas are hard to find, and you said you don't own this land but hunt it. It would be wrong to take away others opportunity to hunt there for your (families) personal reasons.... Just remember, if people see bucks in and around your land, there will always be trespassers..........
If I read this correctly, you watch over the land and don't own it. Unless you own or lease it there is nothing you can do. It would be up to the land owner to press charges. Sadly, most of the landowners I deal with would rather not have one of the "good ol boy" neighbors get in trouble. And they are generally too busy in the fall with crops to take the time to do it.
I used to run myself ragged trying to keep tresspassers off the land I hunt. Unfortunately, you cannot catch them all. As I've gotten older I've come to realize that it just isn't worth losing sleep over anymore.
Not sure what to tell ya. You are next to public land its something you are going to have to deal with. Most people would not tresspass but it only takes a few jerks to cause problems.

Here are some of the comical things I have seen over the years. I thought they were pretty interesting.

"Attention!!! The Mayo Clinic is a 3 hour helicopter ride if you are caught tresspassing on this land".

I have also seen a tombstone at the gate of a driveway that said. "RIP the last person caught tresspassing on this land".
Along the lines of the previous post, I once saw a farm posted with signs that read "No Tresspassing - Survivors will be prosecuted"
I've seen one that was a big bulls eye sign "If this sign is in your sight your in mine", lol.

Sorry not trying to hijack the post, there will always be people that trespass. Best I can say is watch your P's and Q's when and if you do encounter them, if the don't have the moral to respect private property who knows what they may be capable of.
Most of our land borders the state public land here. And I can tell you that you might as well get use to it. We have tried everything. And there seem to be nothing that works. I can't tell you how many we have escorted of the home place there. It doesn't however hurt to have a few trail cam pics of those repeat offenders though. When you show them there pic. it seems to make them a little nervous.
The trail cam thing wouldnt be a bad idea. But the bad thing is that the fence the is seperating the land is about about a mile and a half long. And it really doesnt help just to have my dad go out there every night. But the bad thing is that when my dad found that guy he also found a shot doe that was dieing about 50 ayards from the stand. Followed the blood trail about 30 yards to the guy and he denied the whole thing of shooting it. But my dad also made him take the deer and tag it. I dont know its just people cant respect other peoples land. And we put so much work into it. You know the land we hunt on is about 3 square miles. We cant hunt it all and all they would have to do is ask to hunt on it and im sure my dad would say thats fine but they would be back into the woods were we dont hunt.
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