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Public Land 2 Bucks 2 Brothers 1 Stand


New Member
Well me and my brother and dad have been hunting public land for about 4 years now and have been fortunate enough to kill some nice deer on it. We start in the spring setting up trail cameras and doing our scouting on were to set our stand for the year. We both know that to hunt public land you have to put your time in and be able to move were the deer are moving. This year right away we starting getting pics of a really nice deer we called the river buck, since he was headed down there to get water. We both knew he would be number one on our hit list. As the season started we knew it was valuable to put our hours in to get the river buck down. My brother had missed an 8 point earlier due to tree limbs. My brother couldn’t hunt as much as me due to school so I kept hunting hard after him. He would show up once in a while at night moving through but kind of disappeared from the area we seen him most frequently. We had another stand set up about 1.5 miles away and I started hunting that once the rut started and right away had some run in's with some shooters but never the river buck. The first day I seen him I was walking out and he and another buck were by my stand. I texted my brother and said the river buck is alive and in the area!!!!. The 13th rolled around and I got in the stand about noon and didn’t see anything until about 5:15. I was upset because that morning on trial cam a 170 class deer walked by at 20 yards!!! I heard a deer coming down the hill I took one look at him and knew it was a shooter I got him stopped at 40 yards and let me arrow fly I was shocked to see I had hit a limb and shot over the back of him. I nocked another arrow and got him stopped in my other lane and let it fly I knew I had hit him good he went 30 yards and rolled down the hill!!!. We never had this deer on camera. Next up was my brother’s turn I told him if he puts his time in that stand he will have a shot at a nice deer. Three days later he texts me saying he scared the river buck walking in!!. About at 4pm I get a call from my dad saying my brother has the river buck down!!!. So needless to say we had successful week hunting!! Two nice deer out of the same stand on public we were pumped!!! My Deer grossed 161 and my brother’s did 157 roughly. If you put your time in and do things right public hunting can pay off!!!
My Deer


River Buck Velvet

River Buck Day he hits dirt

Bro And River Buck

Deer of that caliber are very impressive and even more so from public land because I also hunt public land. With all the "things that can go wrong in hunting"putting it all together on mature deer,you both put together a dream season.Great story and great bucks.CONGRATS.
those are both great deer anywhere! public land just means you had to work even harder. congrats guys!!
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