Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

quail season


Life Member
Old Grover goes to the doctor to see about erection problems. "I'll be
> ridin' the tractor on the south 20," Grover said, "and the warm sun
> and the
> tractor vibratin' gets it up! But by the time I can get back to the
> house
> and maw gets ready, it's down--and I can't get it back up. Can you
> give me
> somethin' to help keep it up?"
> The doc says no, he can't. Age carries its price. But--perhaps some
> signal
> could be arranged and maw would be prepared as paw arrived at the
> house?
> Maybe maw could even meet him halfway?
> "A great idea!" says Grover "There's a little grove about halfway to
> the
> house from where I'm plowin'. Me and maw used to have sex there when
> we
> were younger! It'd be a great spot. I'll carry my shotgun and when
> it's
> all up and hard, I'll fire it and she'll get there same time as I do.
> Thanks doc!"
> Time passes. The doctor meets Grover at the bank one morning and asks
> how
> he's doing. Grover says he's okay. The doc asks how Grover's wife is,
> and
> Grover says, "Poor maw, she's dead!"
> "Sorry to hear that," says the doc. "How did she die?"
> "Just run herself to death durin' the quail season," said Grover
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