Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



I've never had very good luck making my own scrapes. What are some good tips out there so I can get my camera set up on some. Make a scrape and use a dripper?
Make sure you drink plenty of water a couple hours before hand (some on this sight choose other beverages
) then make one in a transition area under a branch that,s about 5 1/2 feet above it then wiz all you can & I gaurantee you'll get buck pictures. I have great luck with that approach.
Scent control is extremely important in making mock scrapes successfully.
Be as scent free as possible and wear rubber gloves.
I usually find scrapes that are already made by deer and place them some where close. I am always as scent free as I can be and I usually use a zip tie to hang a branch that is dead above the scrape I make. The dead branch will hold the scent longer and I use Prime Time Licking branch scent for that and dominate buck urine for the scrape on the ground. I preferr Code Blue Buck urine but the Dominate Buck Urine works also. Hope this helps. Good Luck. One last thing if there isn't bucks in the area it won't work as much as if there is.
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