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Sen Kerry Goose hunting in Ohio

You tell me of any other President that has delt with over 3000 lves killed on our home turf and the corp. scandles which were not his fault!!!Can't think of any? Me niether! That's because it has never happened before. I think Pres. Bush has kept our head above water during these times. He does as he says. Kerry is tell people what they want to hear. He has said, everyone gets health insurance, everyone gets to goto college, everyone gets anything. How in the world does he plan on paying for these things. Raise your taxes. That is the only way he can do this. Agian, raise your taxes.
Go into a public high school in Wichita, Kansas and you'll understand that NO amount of money will help the education there. When will people understand that throwing money at the issue won't fix it. There is NO discipline in many public schools (if I remember right it was the GOVERNMENT who outlawed corporal punishment -- my guess would be that a conservative did not drive the truck down that road.) My sister teaches in a private school for LESS money because she doesn't have to put up with the crap there. A student gets out of line and they face Mr. Swat! As the situation gets worse in public schools the best teachers will leave them for private schools.
I'm pretty tired of the education argument, $$$$ will never fix it.
Great post. I went to school in Kansas and received my last swat in 8th grade. I still remember it today, I deserved it and it made an impact on all of my decisions in school. When done properly, it works.

As for the money argument. Bush has funded education, more than any other President. Its just not what the NEA and the libs wanted. Your ar 100% correct no amount of money will fix the problem. I'm in my 11th year of teaching and every year it gets worse, the kids know the school has no authority. No matter what happens, they know it really means nothing. When I was in school I was afraid of my teachers and administrators. Not today, kids believe they are equals. Money will not fix that.


Can't we give it a rest and keep it to hunting topics here before it turns to bashing others just like the election is becoming?

I tried to post a hunting success story in an attempt to change the subject and my post was moved. I think we are actually enjoying this topic.........
Was going to keep quiet but since you brought up education. Who do you think created the "No Child Left Behind"? It was a bipartisan venture headed by Ted Kennedy. Bush has kind of made it his own, and if you think his has funded it fully, your kidding yourself. All that it's paying for right now is testing kids and for classes on how to test kids. My class of 28, (23 max by Bush's standards) sits here without soc. studies text books as we speak. Unfortunately just like businesses, schools need money to run. Even more so then before. Supplies and "quality" teacher training costs money. Public education has been a foundation of our country since the beginning. If the parties would stop bickering and work together, something might be accomplished. Look at the joke of an education leader in his cabinet. Somebody who skewed the success of his programs in Houston as superintendant of schools. Students were dropping out left and right and not reported. As far as students being afraid of teachers. That's the worst thing I've ever heard. Especially from a teacher? I teach in an inner city school and have very few problems with students behavior. My students respect me, not fear me. The world is scary enough for my students, they don't need more of that in their life. I take the time to know where they come from. The problems that public schools face are problems that students bring with them to school, at least here. There's more single parent homes, drug problems, homeless, abuse. Probably not what most of us on this web site grew up with. N.C.L.B. was good in theory, but it's lack of funding and the changes made to it made it inefficient. I hate to say it on here, but Bush is not holding up to his bargain with education.

Who says democrats can't be sportsman? Who says they can't be patriotic? Both sides want what they think is best for the country. That is patriotic. I'm an independent but look at both sides to see what our country needs. I look at what's going on now and it sure has made me take a good look at both candidates. That's what we all should do.

No problem Limb- I personally do think this thread is very interesting although its not about hunting.
Teacher - I'm sorry if you didn't like my choice of words. The education world is very divided and we obvisously have different opinions.

The word fear is one that many do not like. Here is my definition: When I was a kid I was scared to death of my parents, teachers, and adults in my life. Not of what they would do to me, but that I would disappoint them. I don't see that in school very often.

I am now done with political/education talk. Anyone want to talk whitetails????

Teacher, you make some very good points and I agree that many of the kids are coming to school with too many problems and are unfortunately not ready to learn. It puts a large unecessary burden on their shoulders each day. I don't agree that more funding is the answer and unfortunately the union to me is responsible. I think teachers should earn more and not have all the responsibilities in addition to teaching. We are spending more and not getting increased results. I don't have the answers but my observations and expereince with private schools is that we should include vouchers for all and cut out some non-teaching positions that have been mandated at the Federal level and bring it back to the States.
what was bushes voting record like in congress or was it the senate no wait a minute he was gov of texass do any of you remember what he did as gov or maybe his military back ground as for college bush went to harvard ,any body with money can go to harvard and pay to get good grades as for kerry getting c grades in college didnt truman get c's in college ? no he didnt go to college and he ran the country just fine it isnt what they done thirty years ago its if they learned something from it and bush is still making his childish mistakes at our expense wether its money our the life of our kids
The problems in our schools pale in comparison as to what could very well be the next terrorist attack on our country, and that is terrorists shootings in our schools. The enviroment is perfect for what they want to accomplish, which is a high body count. Most schools have little if any security which makes them a perfect target for terrorists. This has been happening in other countries, but not widley reported in the US, probably for the same reason that the liberal media refers to them as "militants" rather than the scum bag terrorists they are.

Bush has actively taken the fight to them, not sitting around in a state of denial like you can expect Kerry to do. If we are not actively chasing and killing the terrorists over seas, we will be dealing with them at home. I believe that at this time in history, all other issues are very minor as compared to the safety of our children.
Most of our Presidents were Governors first. DO you think they give away diplomas at Harvard and let anyone in? Not! It wouldn't matter what he did because you could find something wrong with him. Again. Character matters and Kerry shows none but he's willing to be on whatever side of the fence will get him elected. Truman ran the country much like Bush. He made decisions and took responsibilty. Kerry's taken no blame for anything. Today it's reported that he missed 22 of 23 sub committee meetings on terrorism. Never was informed but claims he spoke to everyone on the committee.
Ivy league admissions can be bought, just most of us can't afford the price tag or don't have enough clout behind us. Bush can't possibly take any blame as he is unable to admit he made a mistake. The guy went into Iraq like a drunken cowboy without thinking things through. Over 1000 dead brave Americans (one was too many) and your grandchildren are in tax debt over their little heads. Bush has promised alot but has yet to deliver- wait til its time to actually fund all these elections promises and you'll see where the rubber hits the road. Only a fool never changes his mind.
Here's a fun statistic. In the last 50 years that the "Weekly Reader" has polled school kids they have not been wrong with their mock election. This election year the kids have elected none other than George W. Bush with 63% of the vote. It's assumed that children will vote the way their parents will.
nickelodeon's presidential poll had the kids picking kerry 56 to bush 44, you might be right the kids might be right too
And have you forgotten about the World Trade Center? Of course were in debt were at war. Bush was given the authority by Congress. He can't just go to war. The UN for the most part are a bunch of thugs. Remember the oil for food program? I.E France & Germany on the take.
Actually, Dubya went to Yale...where he graduated top in his class with a "C" average

Bush failed in all of his business ventures - yet he still managed to strike it rich the hard way = he started with $20 million, lost $10 mil and quit while he was ahead

Who knows for sure how Kerry will combat terrorism? We won't know until after Nov. 2
I hope someday I never run for president, I can hear it now, That candidate Owens, back in college, spent alot of time on IOWAWHITETAIL, skipped alot of classes to hunt deer, and went by the handle LIV4Rut, and was happy with a C average
I think it is very hard to judge a person from what they did in college, most of you guys are done with school and have entered the real world and have matured greatly from college bars and all night long drinking parties. Heck I bet Kerry and Bush both think back on those days and even miss it just a little bit
I honestly don't know who I would vote for, i have tried hard to pick out a candidate, and I have found good and bad qualities about both of them. Half the stuff I read I question whether it is just BS or actual truth. I have decided not to vote, and that is my choice. I guess at a young age, I feel none of the candidates will get into office and change the US dramatically. It's just too complicated to do, no matter who wins, they will do things people will not like, and things others will like. So I'm gonna sit this one out and be 20 feet high, and think of the possible monster that may be roaming the woods.
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