Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



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Great one today. Sponsor of bill pulled support. Zero signed off. No special tags for those that identify as family members that don’t reside in this state. This horrible bill would have possibly/likely taking tags away from the NR tag pool where folks have been waiting in line.

Discussed all the stuff we’ve said here before. Listed many problems across the state hunters are facing. Listed the reasons this bill is a disaster.
I asked the committee…. “All we’ve seen is bills favoring this little group or that special interest. Or this weapons company. Or more killing, longer seasons, etc. WHEN are u guys going to be introducing bills that fix the problems the hunters of this state face??”

SECOND BILL OF ‘24 DIED RIGHT THERE. Had a great meeting after discussing some things the vast majority of hunters would support. Lot of legislators on board with fixing some common sense issues. Great day for iowa!!

Can't thank you enough for taking time to do this Skip. I think mainly the only input some of them are getting are from a small number who aren't really looking out for the good of Iowa. Putting up fact seems to be working. Love it.
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