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Shielding spray pattern

Has anyone ever rigged up a shield to protect trees in a new planting from herbicide? I am looking at mounting a 45 nozzle on the front of a UTV but will have to shield the foliage from drift and over spray, and leave a few inches of weeds on either side of the row. Unfortunately this means making a pass on each side of the row. If you have pictures that would help. Thanks.
I haven't done that simply because I either spray trees/shrubs before they break dormancy OR if I spray them now I do 2 things.... 1) use clethodim & crop oil for the killing agent. (yes, I do have harder time of course if broadleaf problem present, in those small instances I'll get down with backpack spray with round-up and put on heavy dropplet volume to reduce drift & spray carefully, never have killed a tree). I use Atrazine, Surflan, Panoramic & Melachlor (dual II) for all season control of all weeds. 2) spraying high volume, I use gun on tractor with sprayer. I spray a U shape or full circle when safe enough. Even though I have clethodim & crop oil that's safe on trees, I still avoid getting them soaked. Done carefully, I can still cover about 3,000 trees per day doing that. Not sure on shield though, maybe some others have tried. Sorry on that account.
Ended up just riding in the back of a Gator and held a fiberglass board as a shield. This was a last minute planting of extra stock. It was never treated before the planting and I wanted to at least get some of the competition knocked back.
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