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shooting in the rain


PMA Member
im sitting here in kc and it is raining again. we've had about 7" over the last week and a half. it made me wonder about arrow travel in rain. does anyone know if rain has a "noticeable" effect on the arrow. my guess is that is does not. and for conversation, lets say it is a nice steady rain, less than a down pour and more than a drizzle.
I am wondering if I am going to have to get my freaking boat out.... This is a weird August for us.

Are you guys getting any rain in your parts of Iowa??? I know you were in a severe drought not too long ago..... If you can figure out how, I would like to send you some of our rain....

As far as arrow travel in rain, I have not ever noticed any affect....

Now, I am going to put on my rain coat and go to lunch.....

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