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shooting sticks


New Member
This is a set of the tent pole shooting sticks I was talking about. Pretty easy to make and they work great...........ck
You'll have to go to my profile I guess to see them. I don't know why I can't get them posted anymore. Anyway, I take two of the fiber glass tent poles and epoxy the joints together. Make two of these. I wrap my joints with electrical tape for a little more strength. Ok, so decide how tall you want them and cut off extra. Use a fine toothed saw for this. I usually go 37 inches which lets me sit on ground with legs out and straddled by poles. The pivot point is three heavy duty zip ties linked together which is usually 5.5/6 inches from top. Sounds kinda dokey, but I haven't had one break yet. When you have your pivot where you want it, a little tape wrap right below it will keep it from sliding. Pad the top with whatever you want to protect your gun. I use valve stem caps to cap off the top tips, and very large wire nuts for the feet. This gives the feet a a dig in, rather than a slide out. When I'm done I paint everything black that isn't already. These things work great and take so little time to make. Maybe Blake will intervene again and get my pic of the sticks up..........ck
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Thanks, Cooter. Home made, work great............ck

To prevent anyone from makin my first set mistake, make sure you check poles for lengthways splits. They can get these from tent use......ck
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I did pretty much same thing I get about 5 minutes...2 fiberglass driveway markers I just sat down with my gun and marked what felt good then just added about 6 inches so I didn't make too short...put a rubberband where I wanted the gun...that way its still adjustable and cost me 5 dollars
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That's awesome. And to think I threw away some old tent poles last summer after the kids destroyed a play tent.
window which doesn't even open?

Open shmopen. Shoot through the glass. It'll only leave a small hole. Probaly less thas a quarter inch in diameter. A good shooter would be able to shoot through the same hole every time. You could just plug the hole with used chewing gum between shots.
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