Skinner's Strike 3 Consecutive Nights

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Well With the Season starting slow with warm temperatures and not much rut activity we didn't quite know what we were in store for this year.Very few trail cam Pictures of mature bucks had our minds wondering on how to attack this year. Well we hunted a couple times early but didn't get to active tell late October like normal, seen our fair share of young bucks and 3 year old's coming in the calls knowing the mature deer won't be on their feet for awhile. It seemed like we were waiting forever. the first week of November went by with only seeing 2 mature bucks on there feet late in the evening. On the night of the 8th it seemed like everything opened wide up. On the morning of the 9th we all had encounters with mature deer, just not having shots or slipping by out of range. That evening Matt my Brother slipped into a timber pinch and set a virgin stand knowing the does were in the area. At around 4:30 he seen a buck peek the ridge and noticed it was a mature deer and a very unique frame. Right away he noticed it was a shooter and gave him a snort wheeze. The Buck Closed within 30 yards and he let it fly. Double lunged him and didn't go far. After getting the group text he had shot one it shook the woods it was the lucky charm for the rest of us. After getting him back and putting a tape on him he ended up scoring in the mid 150s.
The Next Evening the 10th it was my turn to get a tag on another Iowa bruiser. With the wind and temps High I entered the Property a little late knowing there were going to be Cruising ridges late. I was set up over a green field knowing the bucks would come cruising over the hill cut the green field checking for does and cruising from field to field. Around 5 After looking up from my phone (Almost screwed me) I seen a good Frame Cresting the hill top know doubt shooter and quickly grabbed my bow. Stopped him At 28 yards and punched him in the heart. He didn't go far and recovered him quickly. A memorable drag with the lightning show going on.A awesome ending to a great hunt. We grossed him at 153 1/8th and Netted him At 151 3/8ths.

On the Night of the 11th it was the front of all Fronts. Cody was up to bat. A bit windy and cold. Knowing to get down in a bottom when found the thickest bottom we had. It Started off very slow but got better in a hurry. Matt was filming my brother at the time and suddenly mumbled that's him. Right away he knew the buck and started capturing footage. With the Estrus in the air the big 9 had to come an investigate. Closing in within 35 yards Cody had to squeeze a shot off. Double lung and he piled up within 100 yards. After that i was joys for us. We realized we had pulled off the unthinkable killing 3 mature whitetails in 3 Nights. the Trifecta was Completed. Cody's Giant ended up at 165 4/8th topping big biggest kill on video.
It was a great weekend to be in the woods, thanking God for every minute of it. Now its time to strategist for gun season and find a good one on its feeding pattern. Thanks the Skinners

Cody's on the top, Matt's on the left, and Mine on the right.
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