Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

So many things wrong about this video

Radios, not tagging & I guess shooting at deer on water. Not good.

Unfortunately, I don't think that's piddly vs what occurs in almost all neighborhoods and a whole lot worse occurs with a whole lotta groups out there.

Not necessarily speaking of THIS group & examples, probably possible most groups could get pinched for lots of "minor things" and really, when we were in our teens or early 20's- did some things (hopefully minor & the case for myself) that you could get ticketed for.

These guys are very typical MI folks. That's a very normal group and actually far better behaved than a whole lot of others.

As much as I don't like any illegality, I guess, PERSONALLY (just opinion here), I would rather see our limited resources of law enforcement target egregious and outrageous poaching. Poaching that's bred out of greed, planning, $, criminal intent, etc. Unfortunately some pretty nasty poaching goes on in most of Iowa at serious levels and we don't have near the resources to even deal with that.

WHY SO MANY ADVOCATE ROBO-BUCKS LIKE WE'VE DISCUSSED. That goes at the heart and soul of the scum bag poachers. No excuse for the law breaking these guys did BUT it pales in comparison to the massive amounts of poaching-pros that lurk in every neighborhood. This video does again confirm why I will never be a deer pushing gun hunter too though.
I agree. There are bigger fish to fry but i believe the dnr in my area one in paticular are not smart enough to figure that out. They waste a ton of resources on the small things during the off seasons but cant figure out if you want to catch someone spotlighting you have to be out at night. Is what it is. As far as group hunting im sure there are plenty of ppl out there committing violations with a ml.
i agree, its not that bad. they are doing a few things but i personlly have whitnessed alot worse things happening during drives (not by our group). these guys that go out in 10 pickups chassing and shooting out the windows at deer are way worse, and they are the ones giving the bad reputation!
Iowa deer drives

Was bored sitting by the fire last night, and I watched some of the video. My first thought that came to my head was "this is why I do not hunt public land during the gun season". I could never feel comfortable with my sons in a tree with lead flying around like that.

Did you notice the one part when the guy was hunkered behind the tree and shots are flying ahead (by the guys driving). He looked scared, like I better get behind the tree in case a slug comes my way.

I'm all for guys getting together and having fun, but if you are going to act like this and hunt like this, do not film it!!:rolleyes:
Huh......Their idea of "big bucks" is different than mine. They got one nice one. I like how the older guy says he had two big bucks run past him and he dropped on right there. I think it's an 8 point. Then it shows him holding up about a 100" 8. At least they are a fairly small group. I know some guys who do 15-20 people. That's getting a little crazy IMO.
Someone gave a bunch of inbred baboons guns and had one hell of an incredibly unsafe and illegal hunt. wow
i dont like how they are "hunting" but it is sad to say that is the normal for alot of groups and most of the time those are the groups of 15-25 people!!
Aside from thier hunting techniques, what bothered me more was their total lack of respect for their prey. A big kick blastin those animals.
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