Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Some people should be shot.


Life Member
After a few slow days in the timber I decided to chase some greenheads last Sunday. My partner and I were going to hit the marsh at 430 to see what we could find. I got a message at 100 that some A-hole had decided it would be fun to watch a duck boat burn.
He woke up to a huge fireball in the street outside his building. The firemen said it was obviously arson. The synthetic grass material was actually very hard to burn, we had tried just to see when we were building the blind. Needless to say it was a total loss. The whole setup was only a year old so the price was rather significant. Not to mention the fact that you can't just go out and buy a replacement. He's got two weeks of vacation to duck hunt coming up and now he's screwed. I'd give anything to have been pulling in when whoever it was was running off. But then I'd probably be in jail right now. What the hell gets into people sometimes? Anyway, just needed to vent to some sympathetic ears.
i cant believe people would do a thing like that, well actually i can anythings possible these days i guess. just shows nothing is safe, man that sucks and he has two weeks off to shoot ducks too. heck i dont even know yah and i would of liked to catch the lowlifes doing something like that, but like yah said jail time might not be good, but i bet some 3.5 inch triple b's would rattle em pretty good
hope you guys figure something out and can get back to whacking ducks, goodluck and sorry to hear about the loss!!
That sucks! I would be rather upset to have that happen. Just an idea, but I have heard of guys that use switchgrass on their boats. They just go out to a field with it and take a generator and electric hedge clippers. The stuff is free if you know where it is. Some people are just stupid and this is proof. I hope you catch them and that you do not have this luck again. By the way ogz late season we are going to have to hit our farm down that way,you up for it?
The problem is that we stopped punishing criminals in this country long ago. There is a "No Fear" attitude running rampant in criminals, and hey why not, if they were caught, what would they face as punishment? A few more nights at the county food bar with a soft warm bed instead of a tall tree and a short rope. Sorry to say it won't stop until we quit electing bleeding heart
Liberals into office. Whew! Glad I got that off my chest! Sorry about the boat. If I had one to loan you I would.
i'm with you rack, public stuff could go a long way. hangings, firing squads, all the good stuff that kept people scared. hell, inmates even have cable TV which is somethihg i can't even afford!!
Man I am really sorry to hear about the lost. Rack and muddy are pushing some of my buttons. A lot of people are living better in the pen then some live out. Let’s treat them like the criminals they are. There doesn't have to be anything inhumane about it. Just do not treat them as privileged. Prison should be a thing to fear.
I hope the person responsible is caught and made to pay dearly.
Jerks!! I think the bible has a good way of dealing with this sort. We should start cutting of a hand or two! That would make them think twice!
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