Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Someone decided to show their face again!

heavy 10

New Member
Finally got the hard-horn pics of this buck I've been dying to get. Hopefully he shows his face more as we get closer to the end of October. It's been 6+ weeks since I've got a picture of him and was looking through aerial maps just yesterday questioning where he could have gone. Last nights card pull answered that question: Any guesses on age and score? I've got a pretty good idea what I think and we've got his match set of sheds 2 years ago, and his left side from last year. I've also never seen a buck with white spots like this guy has, almost like someone spilled bleach on him at some point :D




Hard Horn:



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WOW!! That is definately an impressive whitetail! Hope to see some harvest pics of this hawg. Not sure on the score(there is a lot going on here), but I do see he is still nocturnal. Good Luck!:way::way::way:
Pretty awesome deer there!! Can't wait to hear a score on that giant and see the pics!! Good luck!
I would guess him in the 180 + range and 6+ ,but who cares, he is awesome at least th a t is my GUESS. The white almost looks like the piebold (so) gene, not sure.
Looks like a night stalker for sure. He is a giant good luck with him.

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