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Something To Think About

One instant boost i see for the economy if Romney pulls this out is in the natural resource sector. He will undoubtably get the keystone pipeline going which itself will equal quite a few jobs and reduce some of our foreign oil dependency. And then there is ANWR. This is the real ticket to our domestic oil production and lots of jobs and tax revenue. So i don't see how the economy could do anything but go up with these two things alone. Then add in the fact that businessowners will be much more comfortable without Obama and this should lead to them being more willing to expand.

Just my .02.
One instant boost i see for the economy if Romney pulls this out is in the natural resource sector. He will undoubtably get the keystone pipeline going which itself will equal quite a few jobs and reduce some of our foreign oil dependency. And then there is ANWR. This is the real ticket to our domestic oil production and lots of jobs and tax revenue. So i don't see how the economy could do anything but go up with these two things alone. Then add in the fact that businessowners will be much more comfortable without Obama and this should lead to them being more willing to expand.

Just my .02.

Still don't think it will happen if we do not get a majority in both houses.

Romney is not the one controlling what is passing. That is how Obama had

so much passed with Pelosi for the first couple of years until the

Reps. got a majority and then they couldn't get anything passed

anymore. That is why a majority in both houses is so critical to getting

items Obama passed reversed.

I hope the business leaders start hiring and get this country kick started

again. There are still a lot of people out of work.

A Romney victory is not going to be an easy one though.
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