Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Starting fires/arson


PMA Member
Ok I am at wits ends here, going on 3 years now we have had someone starting fires in our road ditches that then spread obviously all through out the CRP. It has been an annual summer event! Now, they just did it again! Thought we had an idea at one time of who it was, but the area is so rural with no one living within a mile of it! I live just 15 minutes away and usually once a week make an evening trip out just to drive by and usually weekends I am out there at least one day!

So, any advice tips!?!? I seriously don't want to find the person because I don't know if I will be able to control myself! I think they are local to the area, but not 100% sure, not sure if I pissed someone off or if it is the location of our sections that entices them!
Cameras & more cameras. Point them at the road, both directions. You're gonna get a pic of who drives by & when.
Always considered that just worry about them getting noticed and shot down etc and think a lock box makes them that much easier to see for something like that. I do have one black flash, just hesitant.
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Set up a piece of junk machinery near the fence near the road. Camo the camera in the same rusty metal or put it where it can't be spotted easily. Or get a couple tree stumps & hollow them out from the bottom, cut a hole & mount the camera inside.

You would be amazed at what people will not see when they don't know that they are looking right at it.
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