Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Texas roadtrip


PMA Member
Last week I was in Texas to spend some time with my brother who is under going chemo to battle his pancreatic cancer. He get's treatment every other week, one week he feels like crap and the next he feels OK. Last week was his feel OK week. Wednesday we gpt the camper ready and loaded all the gear and took of for his hunting lease 3 hours away. We got there early enough to hunt together on a two man tripod for the evening hunt. After that we swapped cards on all the cameras to see which feeders the hogs were most active at. Todd was bow hunting deer so his stands were already set. When I saw this 300lb nasty hairy Russian boar looking hog stopping by quite regular at a feeder I knew my spot.

The next mornings hunt came and went with nothing. Mid day Todd's friend Jon and his dad showed up and a little later my son Tyler arrived along with Shawn, another friend of Todd's. Jon said he had and idea and presented a couple heavy duty snares. He thought we should try to snare some hogs. None of those guys ever heard of hog snaring but why the hell not. So we all went to the field and found a couple different spots where hogs were going under the fence and set the snares. We also baited and set two hog traps. From there we all went to our stands where no one shot anything. The next days morning hunt was also quiet. After breakfast we piled into two lease trucks to go check traps and snares. Jon's Jeep Cherokee and Todd's little Toyota affectionately called YO. Jon and his dad were in front and me and Tyler were in back. I also had possession of Jon's AK47. Todd and Shawn followed in the YO. 1st snare nothing. 1st trap nothing. 2nd snare.........HOG. I jump out with the AK and the hog was doing it's best to bust the cable to get away. She stopped briefly to growl at us and I gave here an extra hole right between the eyes. To our surprise she was snared around the lower jaw.


She was a 175lb eater. We got her back to camp and I quickly carved the backstraps out and got them on ice. That evening hunt and the next mornings hunt no one had seen any hogs yet se we swapped cards again. It looked like all the pigs went nocturnal. They do that when they know people are around I guess. So after the evening hunt we went to check traps and snares. Jon and Todd in front, me and Tyler in back of Jon's Jeep. No snared or trapped hogs. DAMB. Back on the dirt road back to camp the guys upfront yelled HOG. There was one standing infront of us blinded by the LED light bar fixed to the top of the Jeep. Todd was yelling stop stop but Jon looked over with an evil grin said f#%k that, I'm gonna get him with the Jeep and he guns it. So with the hog now turned and running straight away from us the Jeep closes the distance quick and I see him disappear from view. Then the Jeep suddenly lurches upward on the left side just like if you had run over a.......well........a pig. We skidded sideways to a stop where we all jump out. The hog is on his feet and walking away from us and Todd shoot's him in the butt. He goes down but jumps right back up and walks over to the side and lays down. Me, being a fan of long sharp shiny things want to stick a hog so here's my 1st chance. I face the hog (which is a boar by the way) and he is not very happy as you can imagine. I get to around 3 feet and he jumps just a little bit, which in turn makes me jump a lot of bit much to the enjoyment of everyone else there. At that point I said f&#k it, shoot him. After much laughing we got him loaded up and back to camp where I again quickly carved out the backstraps. Around the campfire that night still laughing about the whole episode Jon came up with the phrase "swine surfin" which will here after replace road hunting on the lease. So I came home with a little pork but more importantly with good memories spent with my brother, son, and friends.
Great story and more importantly a great time with family and friends. Cherish every minute!
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