Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Thanks to all the members who helped!


New Member
My son and I just got back to KY this morning, We had an excelent time. While the only buck we killed was with the truck Wed. night, my son had an excellent oportunity on a 170 class 10 point. We passed several bucks in the 130 range as thats not what we went to Iowa for. I must also say every one we meet while there we very nice.

A few notes from our trip,
1. Deer in Iowa don't seem as spooky as deer in KY.
2. Deer in Iowa don't "blow" near as much eather. Never head one blow in 6 days hunting.

3. The average buck is bigger.:drink2:

Thanks again.
Glad you had a good time! For the most part, Iowans are pretty nice people! How big was the truck buck?
Don't be a stranger on here, good luck back home.
I read alot, post a little. My son did take this one in KY. Mature but wouldn't score much.

You guys have tuff deer. Never seen a Full metal jacket arrow do this.


Roddy said:
I read alot, post a little. My son did take this one in KY. Mature but wouldn't score much.

You guys have tuff deer. Never seen a Full metal jacket arrow do this.

IA deer are tough, but not that tough. Must have been a bad arrow, ive hit concrete and never had something like that happen?
Well my other son filled his Ky tag with a nice 12 point Tuesday evening so maybe I'll be able to get back up to Iowa and hunt again before the end of the month. :)
For the most part, Iowans are pretty nice people!

I moved away from Iowa back in 1997 and have found few places with the kind of hospitality I grew up with. :way: I hope you get a chance to go back up and fill your tag! And that's a nice buck your son took. Can't wait to see a pic of your other son's buck!
I moved away from Iowa back in 1997 and have found few places with the kind of hospitality I grew up with. :way: I hope you get a chance to go back up and fill your tag! And that's a nice buck your son took. Can't wait to see a pic of your other son's buck!

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