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The Can call



I bought Primos Can call for the rut & was not sure if I was doing it the right way. Instruction says to use it 2 to 3 times & repeat every 15-20 mins. Most of the time I do it twice every half hour-thought it would be more accurate but I've noticed 100% of bucks that I've watched totally ignored my call & nonresponsive. Even some got spooked! What I've done is turn it upside down then up twice (2 calls instant) in a row without pause, still ignored me while they're in my sight-figured its my error. Then on my next few outing I've tried it different way by turning it just once & waited other 2-5 mins to make second call, again while they were in sight but nonresponding. For life of me I can't figure out what it is. I know it has to be my error after seeing lot of hunters harvested their trophy by using this call. Hope somebody will chime in to correct what the problem was. Thanks!
I wouldn't get too frustrated. That's why they sell so many, they show you the hunts that they just come on the run, of course the hours and hours of footage where the bucks ignore the can don't make the highlight reels.

I would say most of the time they don't work, but there might be that one time that it does and that will be the time you'll be glad you had it with you. You aren't doing anything wrong, it's just like rattling, they don't come on the run every time. Keep experimenting.

i have had very good luck with the origional can call. VERY good luck combined with rattling and grunting. not every buck responds but those that do come on a string. i think that like every good product the deer will eventually start to recognize that sound as a potential threat. personally i hardly ever "blind call" with that thing. i only use it when there is a good buck near by and all else has failed.
I have been using the KEG CAN CALL, and I have had it work quite a bit on 130 class deer and under but I have not had it work on a big buck, In fact I don't think I would even try to use it on a big buck unless it is my absolute last resort. I dink around with it quite a bit when im bored, I do the can 2-3 times and throw some grunts behind it, and point it various ways, so it sounds like the buck is pushing a doe. The little guys come in on a string, but when i see the big boys, i don't like to grunt or can call it, unless i have to
Has anyone had this work on a mature buck (4 1/2 or older)? How many have tried it on mature bucks and had no response or a negative response?

I haven't had good luck with it and haven't been carrying it any more. Grunting and rattling seem work better for me. How about the rest of you?

Old Buck
Old Buck...to answer your question yes. My buddy and I are hunting a bonifide 7x7 typical (no kidding) that has to be at least 4 1/2 due to him pushing 190". The morning of the 10th my friend spotting him across a grassy area and rolled the can a few times. The buck turned and came straight at him.

I've used the can with great success in the past. I actually heard a fawn make that sound when it became separated from it's mother.
I have, however, never had a shooter come in to my rattling. Maybe I don't do it enough since it has never worked for me...is it my synthetic antlers?


BTW: The buck spotted my buddy drawing and bolted.

For convenience I started using the rattling bag several years ago. It has been the most successful call I carry. Grunting, bleats and the can call work sometimes as well, but I've had many instances where good bucks respond to the rattle bag. Good luck!

The can call has never worked for me. Had it for 3 or 4 yrs. Whenever Beatty shot that record buck is when I bought it. I stopped putting it in my fanny pack. I will stick to rattling and grunt calls.
This is the first year I've used the can (previously just had a doe bleat).

I've had mixed results also, and only use it when I have a buck in my sight. I've never had any huge bucks in sight, so I can't comment on that. I canned back a decent 8 pt last sunday after he busted me drawing. (never came back into range though)

Some ignore it, but the ones that like it do seem to come right in.
I have have limited sucess. I did use the can last season and got my first bow kill when the 1 1/2 yr old came in. No mature deer yet but hopefully that will come with time.

I haven't tried synthetic antlers. I have used lots of different sets of real antlers. Small to medium sets seem to work on small to medium bucks. I've found older bucks respond the best to quite heavy antlers. I hear a fair number of fights and sparring each year and I think I can tell the mass of the racks involved by the sound. Small racks 'tinkle'. Heavy racks have a cracking sound similar to hitting two pieces of dried, 3", firewood together. I suspect bucks can tell the difference also. Anyone else have the same experience?

Old Buck
its just a nother tool to pull out when all else fails. if one call worked everytime, on any deer, where would the challenge be?

for me personally, i have used the call a few times, one doe, after hearing the can, relaxed and went to feeding, until she wandered into a shooting lane

another doe and small buck ignored it almost completely, and the buck i took last week, stopped and looked, as he did with the grunt tube, but it took the horns to get him to come in.
I prefer a real set of hornsin the 100 -125 inch ranch(if matched)
A pain to carry into the woods but by far more effective in my experience. The word "synthetic" just sounds bad doesn't it?????
Intersting, positive & negative sides on can call. Its a relief to know that I'm not the only one having this experience. I've also tried the grunt combined with it. Same result-show no interest. I was thinking if it has something to do with buck & doe ratio where I hunt? Private property that I hunt on, an average I've seen is about 5 bucks to 1 doe ratio on each outing. Might be one of the problem?

Speaking of rattling, have thought of rattle bag but didn't feel confident in it so I passed. Might give it a shot next year to see if it does make a diffrence. Boy do I miss the fake rack, left it in Ohio-they sure do work when I rattled in big one years ago!

Thanks for the replies & it sure helps alot.

I haven't tried synthetic antlers. I have used lots of different sets of real antlers. Small to medium sets seem to work on small to medium bucks. I've found older bucks respond the best to quite heavy antlers. I hear a fair number of fights and sparring each year and I think I can tell the mass of the racks involved by the sound. Small racks 'tinkle'. Heavy racks have a cracking sound similar to hitting two pieces of dried, 3", firewood together. I suspect bucks can tell the difference also. Anyone else have the same experience?

Old Buck

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I have had larger bucks come to the larger antlers as opposed to the smaller ones. I think I rattled in 14 different bucks back the 1st weekend of Nov. I stopped rattling last weekend because bucks don't respond well one the rut is in full swing. I still have yet to have a BIG buck come in though.

I really haven't used the can that much but I shot my buck Tuesday morning (170" Gross Non Typical) and he came in on a string after I gave a sequence of three on the can. And before that I did the same thing on a 4 1/2 year old half racker. It may of had something to do with the fact that early yesterday morning in was pretty calm. I agree with Old Buck on the horns, I think the mature bucks can tell the difference in the mass of the horns.

I bought into all the hype of the can and finally bought one (the great big can, not the two smaller ones) two weeks ago.

I got it home and played around with it one night, went out hunting the next morning and was in the stand less than two hours before getting my shot.

I did the 2-3 times every 15 minutes (once the deer had left) and within a few minutes had a buck within 30 yards of the tree. The first was a 10 ptr, the second was a set of spikes, the third a young 8ptr, the same spikes and 8ptr together, and the last was the original 10 ptr that I couldn't get stopped the first time.

I'm not sure if it was the can call or it being used in combination with a grunter and rattling (real horns) every other calling sequence.

I think like most others have said, certain days are better for one call over another and I think I just happened to hit the right day and time.
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